{"Games":[{"GameID":"6BAF615D-F712-4429-AAC4-B2F0AEDE83DB","GameName":"1st ed AD&D","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"C397BED6-4D89-4CE9-996E-2E715684048E","SystemName":"AD&D","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-09-06 10:37:59","CreatedDate":"2017-09-06 10:37:59","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"279A23E0-738C-465E-AAA2-80F9AC494104","GameName":"Answering the Call","Background":"

Updated Aug 7, 2021. Please read for newbies to this board.

Using AD&D 1st and 2nd Edition - Game Started date Feb 3, 2021. More players and lurkers are welcomed. Alignment of the game is good GOOD with the exceptions of Druids - No evils. At this point in the game if you decide to join your character will be from a very primitive peoples. Being one of these individual your background must be a slave, runaway slave or bushmen that has not been captured. Your race must come from AD&D 1st and/or 2nd Edition. Starting money 2d8 in silver pieces. Equipment you pick, but remember the background of the storyline at this point. Oh yeah, before I forget, \"Dinosaur exist at this time\". The following information does not apply to you.

For those that started at the beginning, please remember your character is still under the Blood Oath taken.

* Blood Oath - If someone in this pact does not earnestly actively within reason try to complete his/her obligations, they will suffer greatly and bad luck will befall them until they break the blood oath or get back to doing what they agreed too.

","Description":"Are you are here as a lurker?\r\nyes or no - if yes answer and ignore the following questions.\r\n\r\nThe Alignment of the game is good with the exception of \"druids\" being accepted.\r\n\r\n1. Approximately how many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n\r\n2. Are you currently ready to play? if not when will you be ready to play? (be specific) \r\n\r\n\r\n3. How old are you?\r\n\r\n\r\n4. Do you have any questions. Post here the question or questions.\r\n\r\n\r\n5. What class are you going to play. Books that can be used for character creation is AD&D 1st and 2nd edition.\r\n\r\n6. Do not ask any player what class is need as you only need be concerned on what you want to play. I do not care if we have 40 thieves and nothing else.\r\n\r\nInquiry\r\n* If you possess any aliments that does not allow you to post in the ooc that you will be away for a certain time period until that time period is over, or you read your character is close to being deleted from the game. If the answer is yes, then you are not ready for this game and do not apply. Seek a doctor.","SystemID":"C397BED6-4D89-4CE9-996E-2E715684048E","SystemName":"AD&D","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2021-08-17 14:20:07","LastUpdate":"2022-01-25 09:25:27","CreatedDate":"2021-07-03 05:01:26","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"DD9505A0-7D07-4CED-BF7C-FBBCAF7F7969","GameName":"City State","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"C397BED6-4D89-4CE9-996E-2E715684048E","SystemName":"AD&D","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-06-06 14:40:36","CreatedDate":"2019-06-06 14:40:36","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"497FE982-CCE6-4548-A13F-15F48D703C48","GameName":"DaggerDale","Background":"The Zhentish troops and their allies who had occupied Daggerdale and turned much of it into ruins have been disorganized since the Zhentarim lost Dagger Falls to Randal Morn in the Year of the Gauntlet (1369 DR). Broken up into mostly leaderless bands of brigands and orcs and small, leaderless units of Zhentish troops, the former occupational forces continue to plague rural Daggerdale. It's unlikely that Dagger Falls or Anathar's Dell will slip out of control of the Freedom Fighters, although not impossible. The Zhent's are the least of the lands worries.\u00a0 An enemy of long past, The Lady of the Rose, is rising.\u00a0 Her timing is in sync with the Wild Tide Gates of Dagon - Lord Obyrith of the Deepest Ocean Voids.\u00a0 Will her new adoption of alien technology vault her to become Overlord Supreme.\u00a0 Only the heroes of Daggerdale have the means to stop this overwhelming global threat!\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 ","Description":"This game is for players familiar with role playing and the rules of ADnD. 1st Edition Rules will be used, and a list of books is given in the Game Introduction section. The game will be a nice pace, as I will try to be available most nights to run adventures. \r\n\r\nDaggerdale will have multiple parties playing multiple quests. I encourage lurkers and friends to check the content. I encourage experienced players to get other players with time to join. If you are not available for a segment of time, and players are waiting on you, it is my duty to Non Player Character you and continue the story - not my fault if you perish, but I'll do my best to keep your character consistent with hopes you return.\r\n\r\nIf we can get the entire party at the same time, and people feel comfortable, we can Skype a Session of Live Dungeon Crawling on a Weekend day or a coordinated evening. I will update the Adventure board with the details after the Skype session completes. \r\n\r\nIf your Character is not part of the Main Quest, you can jump into a side quest (SQ) of any sort if the timing in the SQ story is appropriate. \r\n\r\nSome SQ are Solo Adventures. If you want to try a hand at adventuring in a Solo Adventure, Non Player Characters may join you for support (Run by me, The Voice) \r\n\r\nNumber 1 rule, if your making other people not have fun, then your gone.\r\n\r\nNumber 2 rule, don't take too long to post - adventures stalling for one player is a bummer.\r\n\r\nHave fun and help Lord Morn bring long awaited peace to his land, Daggerdale. ","SystemID":"C397BED6-4D89-4CE9-996E-2E715684048E","SystemName":"AD&D","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2024-08-03 08:21:48","LastUpdate":"2024-08-03 08:24:32","CreatedDate":"2021-07-02 08:25:37","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"DCE7EC41-5F42-4509-A852-187A60F3FA64","GameName":"Dark Beginnings","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"C397BED6-4D89-4CE9-996E-2E715684048E","SystemName":"AD&D","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2020-02-23 11:13:52","LastUpdate":"2020-02-23 11:13:52","CreatedDate":"2020-02-23 11:13:52","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"6930CA98-7048-4486-A3E0-5C2567E07CA8","GameName":"Dragon's of Despair","Background":"\r\nYou stand on the road east of Solace, tired from five years of adventuring, from a fruitless search for lost clerical magic. You know the old proverb that claims \"You must return to find what you left to seek \" but the saying never really made sense. Soon, however, it will. \r\n\r\n For the World of Kyrnn is not the same: Refugees stream out of the northernmost human lands, telling horrible tales. An invading army has burned their villages and put their families and friends to the sword. Among these stories you hear even darker rumors-that older evil, the dragons themselves , have returned to the world, for new and more terrible purposes.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"C397BED6-4D89-4CE9-996E-2E715684048E","SystemName":"AD&D","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-10-13 17:45:03","CreatedDate":"2019-10-13 17:45:03","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"20F1DF4A-A062-4A25-A916-98B94B12E8EF","GameName":"Search for the Spelljammer","Background":"Welcome to the role playing game Search for the Spelljammer. You must first create your character using the creation page here. Once done, a moderator will check it out.\r\n\r\nYou character will start out on the planet ______ and be given directions to your next situation. The story will give you a home start before you begin your actual journey \r\n\r\n","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died?\r\n\r\n**What is your longest lasting game?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"C397BED6-4D89-4CE9-996E-2E715684048E","SystemName":"AD&D","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2020-12-21 04:34:02","CreatedDate":"2020-12-21 04:34:02","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"967E9BA6-F4E5-4426-BB81-FAA742E01433","GameName":"Spelljammer roll play","Background":"NONE","Description":"NONE","SystemID":"C397BED6-4D89-4CE9-996E-2E715684048E","SystemName":"AD&D","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2021-07-22 22:34:49","CreatedDate":"2021-07-22 22:34:49","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"67E55FBA-66CE-4007-91AB-6432016AFF20","GameName":"Stone-ridge","Background":"Stone-ridge:\r\n A small village of dwarves living at the base of a great mountain range hit a BIG gold vein. This causes people to rush into the village from far and wide to seek their fortune.\r\n Over the course of time the village has grown to the size of a small town. Treaties were made with their elven and halfling neighbors. \r\n You are one of those who are now living in Stone-Ridge. What adventure will you find as you begin your career??","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"C397BED6-4D89-4CE9-996E-2E715684048E","SystemName":"AD&D","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2020-03-27 06:58:05","CreatedDate":"2020-03-27 06:58:05","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"89B6B91B-6D06-4A09-8284-E8329D6E8924","GameName":"Tales Told (2ed AD&D)","Background":"Tales are always told best around a fire, expressed to those young men that wish to show their own valor and courage. Their need to fight to protect their loved ones and prove their worth in the world.\r\n\r\nThis is one of those tales, told to young men and women looking for excitement and purpose. You are the heroes in this tail. Not every story ends in victory and triumph, but tells the story of your failures, as well as the success you have accomplished. \r\n\r\nWill you take part? Will you be a great figure in a tail told for generations? Will you be a hero?\r\n\r\n********\r\n\r\nThis game is a 2ed AD&D game built in a home brew world. All characters begin as 3rd level characters built out of the PHB. Further information will be given in a rules thread. ","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"C397BED6-4D89-4CE9-996E-2E715684048E","SystemName":"AD&D","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2020-05-15 04:33:50","LastUpdate":"2020-05-15 04:33:50","CreatedDate":"2020-05-15 04:33:50","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"FCF67791-6FA8-427E-8CDF-DBECD846F8F4","GameName":"The Lost","Background":" Known as the Lost Citadel, it is located in the Glasslands, west of the Stormplains. It is a land of tall glass-seeming spires, with prismatic light shining through the translucance of the nearby materials. It was always considered a myth, a unique fusion of the mysterious, elven Underdwellers and the People of the Hammer.\r\n Ruled over by Thoribald, the Hammerking, it is home to wealth beyond imagining, mysterious creatures, and hidden areas where the Others dwell.\r\n It is home to several distinct races, but many ignore their neighbors.\r\n In the Year of the Hawk, 21772HU, much is happening in the Citadel, the King lays ill, suffering from an unknown disease, and call has gone out for aid...","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died?\r\n\r\n**What is your longest lasting game?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"C397BED6-4D89-4CE9-996E-2E715684048E","SystemName":"AD&D","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-11-13 02:00:19","CreatedDate":"2017-11-13 02:00:19","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"92AF2EA7-F3FD-476B-A315-5A56593BE0DB","GameName":"Tomb of Horrors","Background":"Legends speak of the terrible Magic User Acererak, and his tomb, hidden deep in the swamp. Parties of adventurers have long sought the Tomb, but none have returned. Can your party be the one that finally makes their way through the trap-laden Tomb to find the many treasures rumored to be hidden within>\r\n\r\nFor characters of 8th through 12th level.\r\n\r\nThis is a VERY DANGEROUS module. Expect to die- look forward to it, and you might just not die right away.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died?\r\n\r\n**What is your longest lasting game?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n**Are you familiar with AD&D 2e?\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"C397BED6-4D89-4CE9-996E-2E715684048E","SystemName":"AD&D","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2018-08-13 19:24:21","CreatedDate":"2018-08-13 19:24:21","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"B794839D-96AA-4D4F-BCED-F6168748056E","GameName":"ABC123","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"3886E186-6D21-4889-AB13-C7B7D4315514","SystemName":"Alternity","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-10-04 13:07:29","CreatedDate":"2017-10-04 13:07:29","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"972ADDF6-7FE2-4F91-8F40-7F1907608D50","GameName":"Yu Yu Hakusho (AU)","Background":"Set in an AU (Alternate Universe) of the Yu Yu Hakusho world, this particular story is taking place in the Makai, or Demon World, during the events of The Black Chapter Saga, Season Three of the anime.\r\n\r\nThe upheaval in the Makai is palatable as the steadily opening portal--courtesy of Gatekeeper Itsuki of the Sensui Seven in Ningenkai, Human World--on the First Level is enticing weaker apparitions to flock by the thousands towards the deletable scent of humanity. \r\n\r\nFor most here, though, it is simply business as usual. ","Description":"If you're reading this, you'll know if you're supposed to be here or not.","SystemID":"1BA95599-2B22-44B4-89E1-FADF3BC939D0","SystemName":"Anime","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2018-09-29 14:41:06","CreatedDate":"2018-09-29 14:41:06","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"9F7F995D-21CC-4BC8-862F-CF3F83839CF6","GameName":"The Investigator's Journal","Background":"Call of Cthulhu based in the 1920's. Using Pulp Cthulhu characters.\r\nBased around Arkham/Boston with plenty of room to roam the world.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died?\r\n\r\n**What is your longest lasting game?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n**Give me a brief sample of your writing style please:","SystemID":"36F8610A-24F4-4CBE-B7D8-788951E19C93","SystemName":"Cthulhu","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-11-28 23:25:37","CreatedDate":"2017-11-28 23:25:37","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"F02DE573-1B0B-4CF0-8B9A-15B266AEA2AA","GameName":"Budding Legends of Faerun","Background":"You find yourself having a dream with sharp, sudden mental images of a screaming bearded man, demanding help, whose eyes blaze with rage, and you experience feelings of strong despair, of something catastrophic about to happen soon if you don't prevent it. \r\n\r\nThe vision shifts into scenes of a black hand which vanishes, as a line of shackled people being herded by creatures with whips takes it's place. \r\n\r\nAnother shifts to scenes of a Jewel, floating over a city nestled between a mountain, and a large body of water with a sword floating over it. This is followed by a floating wooden sign reading Yawning Portal, then a large well. \r\n\r\nEverything shifts to black, then you see what appears to be a route, depicted in read, trailing through the darkness leading to a lovely lady, dressed in light blue robes, bearing arcane markings. She is holding a staff, with the largest pearl you've ever seen and a red winged serpent curls around her neck. \r\n\r\nAnother shift and you see yourself picking up an enchanted item of great power, apparently your reward for success. The image of the items location burns itself into your memory.\r\n\r\nEverything goes black again a red dot appears in the darkness growing larger as it seems to be coming closer. You realize its a ball of fire just before it explodes, expelling you abruptly from the dream still feeling the heat.\r\n\r\n\r\nThis will be a D&D v3.5 game set in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. Characters will begin at 5th Level.\r\n\r\nWe have filled our character spots for now. We are accepting Lurkers, who if another player spot opens up will be given first opportunity to fill it. \r\n\r\nThanks for you interest.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"08E0FAF3-AF9F-4C06-8886-36020643EC2E","SystemName":"D&D 3ed","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2022-02-23 11:42:19","LastUpdate":"2022-11-26 13:45:19","CreatedDate":"2021-06-16 22:31:03","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"A86B77B1-2571-4E2D-BD29-44D8BA476700","GameName":"Cult Secrets","Background":"Kidnappings in The Meandering Hills, Rumors of an impending invasion at the Gulf of Emancipating, twisted creatures attacking caravans and travelers with impunity and disappearing without a trace. \r\n\r\nThe world is in upheaval. Who is behind it? What is their plan? Who is this Faen'ent'orar the druids are speaking of? \r\n\r\nIt's the year 250, and signs are pointing toward Emenlikot again. A call has been given by the Baron of Dollilofi to investigate the rash of kidnappings. How will you answer?","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"08E0FAF3-AF9F-4C06-8886-36020643EC2E","SystemName":"D&D 3ed","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2021-07-01 15:03:11","LastUpdate":"2021-07-01 15:03:11","CreatedDate":"2021-07-01 15:03:11","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"D80FD348-D13E-4B52-BE14-AF58A54591C2","GameName":"DCC Sandbox ","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"08E0FAF3-AF9F-4C06-8886-36020643EC2E","SystemName":"D&D 3ed","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2020-02-04 08:38:30","LastUpdate":"2020-09-07 10:16:27","CreatedDate":"2020-09-07 10:16:27","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"717C54E7-4BB8-4882-BEFB-C868DB5BB507","GameName":"Game of Chance","Background":"

A merchant in the town of Austria has posted a hiring notice. He has lost multiple wagons. By lost he means they have vanished without a trace. He is seeking a group of hearty adventurers to sort out the cause of these disappearances and resolve the matter.

Characters will start out at level 6

This is going to be an adult themed game. By applying to join you are certifying you are 18 or older and legally able to view adult material where you live.

","Description":"NONE","SystemID":"08E0FAF3-AF9F-4C06-8886-36020643EC2E","SystemName":"D&D 3ed","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2022-11-26 14:21:04","LastUpdate":"2022-11-26 14:32:20","CreatedDate":"2022-11-26 13:46:47","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"1AC0675B-FE5C-4132-A6DF-BD3BD471001F","GameName":"JUDE Eberron Game","Background":"This is a private game. ","Description":"When you send me a RTJ (request to join), just mention who you are. ","SystemID":"08E0FAF3-AF9F-4C06-8886-36020643EC2E","SystemName":"D&D 3ed","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-10-17 03:54:01","CreatedDate":"2019-10-17 03:54:01","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"889D6C48-A06B-4E34-8080-812B751C5F59","GameName":"New Eberron","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"08E0FAF3-AF9F-4C06-8886-36020643EC2E","SystemName":"D&D 3ed","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-12-08 23:53:16","CreatedDate":"2017-12-08 23:53:16","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"D053A80B-B9BF-46D1-B6AC-74AFF682BB69","GameName":"Rebels Of Rewark","Background":"3.5 PHB Character starting at 3rd level working through a challenging epic story. No evil alignment allowed.\r\n\r\nIf you are still interested, here is the background of the story:\r\n\r\nOn the world of Dyron, there is a group of islands called the Itwibs or Dragon Isles. The islands are the historical birthplace of all dragons. During this earlier time, this area has been dangerous and deadly. Either a person became the slave to the dragons or their food. Of course some saw this as an area of advantage, so the enterprising or just plain stupid individuals found hiding within these isle perfect to work their nefarious goals. At this time in history these people where mostly just rogues and pirates looking for a safe place to make their plans. \r\n\r\nOne such group of pirates carved out one section of an island and made it theirs. They named their hidden location Unnd. Throughout the years the pirates prospered and from their loot, they paid off the local dragons to leave them be. As can be the nature of a chaotic society, war breaks out between the factions that run the town that has become a city. Eventually after a bloody military take over, a powerful Warlord named Fyna Rylyle took control of the city and the island. Through this take over was by some mysterious magical means, Warlord Rylyle had taken control of the dragons.\r\n\r\nThis was the beginning of the Dragon Lords. From Unnd, Warlord Rylyle and his Dragon Lords took control of the a major portion of the Itwibs. After a prolong war, they subjugate the dragons, and created the Satyricon Empire. Unnd became the seat of power for the Empire.\r\n\r\nFor the next 430 years, the Rylyle Family and the Dragon Lords controlled the Itwibs, only raiding neighboring countries from time to time. Then in 1030 the Rylyle Family where overthrown by a cousin of the Emperor, Repra Vaugen. Emporer Rylyle escaped the take over and ran to a far corner of the world. Repra Vaugen took control of the Satyricon Empire and the Dragon Lords. \r\n \r\nFor the next 37 years, the Itwibs and Unnd had again become a dangerous place to live. Though the society as a whole never lost their chaotic in nature, the new Emperor Vaugen was total evil and attempted to control the populace through fear of his Dragon Lords and his secret deadly police, The Shadow. \r\n\r\nEven under these harsh conditions, the city thrived and its power grew. Education has always been a strong corner stone of Satyricon Empire, even though it had been largely curtailed after Emperor Vaugen was put into power, many schools still operated. \r\n\r\nThe original characters story began during a political upheaval, where Emperor Vaugen takes complete control which he called the Purge, destroying all those who oppose his mad ideals. \r\n\r\nThe original characters where captured and put into slavery on a mining island named Rewark. While being forced to mine for iron ore, a group named the Gray Cloaks helped them escape. \r\n\r\nAfter a number of adventures involving: \r\nBreaking into a warehouse to disrupt Emperor Vaugen's trade\r\nAssisting in the escaped of other slaves off the island,\r\nHelping a trader collect funds to avoid persecution by corrupt Senator\r\nDestroying an experimental explosive oil factory\r\nDiscovering the ruins of a local elemental wizard's school and befriending a ghostly spirit protecting that school \r\nDiscovering that the Gray Cloaks are actually an evil group of cultists and destroying them.\r\nThe group then learns of a potential power artifact to help them in their cause.\r\nGoing to an abandoned wizards lab on a cliff face, they were whisked away onto the Elemental Plane of Earth. There they searched out the hidden treasure room, protecting the artifact. Once taken, the chamber started to collapsed, but they where all able to escape through another gateway. Something terrible happened turning the transport, for each of the group was split and found themselves at different times and locations within the Itwibs Isles.\r\n\r\nOnce the group is back together, they will be working with others within the largest city on the island Musrec including a rich merchant and politician, who supports the group with information, funds, and weapons.\r\n\r\nNow in conjunction with this merchant, they continue to fight for the freedom of Itwibs from the mad tyranny of Emperor Vaugen.\r\n\r\n","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died?\r\n\r\n**What is your longest lasting game?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n***Proposed Character: Before I can consider adding your character to the board. I will need to review your Character Concept for your application. I will be sending you a request via my email address.\r\n\r\n\r\nRemember, your character\u2019s backgrounds should incorporate your character\u2019s class development. As a reminder, no one can be evil alignment. This adventure is a fight between the underdogs good vs. the dominant evil. All listed races in 3.5E PHB can be used, anything unusual will have to be agreed upon.\r\n\r\n\r\nNote:\r\nThis game has been going on for more than 11-years, and I hope to keep in going. Check reports under Oldest Games for the actual date. It is not a fast paced game, but the pace follows character participation.\r\n\r\nKeep in mind the following:\r\n\r\nThat the character will begin as a 3rd level and his/her alignment would have to be based on either neutral or good.\r\n\r\nRace and Class is your choice.\r\n\r\nTo assist in developing your character's complete background, please consider following the background link info on the game\u2019s story board.\r\n\r\nThanks\r\nDM","SystemID":"08E0FAF3-AF9F-4C06-8886-36020643EC2E","SystemName":"D&D 3ed","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2024-09-20 07:23:21","LastUpdate":"2024-09-20 07:23:21","CreatedDate":"2021-06-25 05:43:09","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"E421C418-4FD1-4F37-B781-5AC3815C052C","GameName":"Rise of The Ashen King","Background":"\"Rise, Rise.\" the voice was low humble and tinted with fantic devotion. \r\n\r\nEnergy swirled and drew into the wretched being bowing and scrapping to the figure bathed in blood in the circle laying on cloth of gold. The many small pots around him each crafted from the finest of mitril held internal organs. \r\n\r\nThe man was once the chancellor of a now destroyed kingdom. Ursurped in the height of it's rule by a tratiorius Queen, in alliance with Witharithal the Red. Unbeknowst to most a Great Red Dragon. \r\n\r\nThe cave lit up in an eerie eldritch glow, runes carved on almost ever inch of the place. The chancllor glanced up as the energies began to pulse and shift, and swirl into something magnificent. The labours of almost a lifetime for the half-elf. He could die happy now or so he thought. \r\n\r\nPin Points of flickering light burst into being on the corpse laying on the cloth of gold. Stirring and sitting up. The creature now barely recognized as the former noble king he had once been. Turned his baleful gaze towards the bowing and scrapping, still casting form of his once and still devote servant. \r\n\r\n\"Thorne.\" he greeted his voice eerie and hollow. \r\n\r\n\"My King.\" he gasped out in delight. \"You have returned.\"\r\n\r\n\"Update me, Thorne on what has happened.\" the form on the ground rose and bowed. \r\n\r\n\"Of course.\" he whispered and in the dark of a night with no moon. Evil grew, in the heart of a once good man. \r\n\r\n\"Prepare my horse.\" he commanded, Make contact, and gather unto me faithful..it is time.\" \r\n\r\n\r\nThis will be a dnd 3.5 game in the fictional setting of Argentium. Please have a look at both Character Creation & World Lore to have an idea of what to expect here!","Description":"I. Welcome to Rise of the Ashen King. \r\nII. Tell me a little about the character you have in mind. \r\n\r\nIII. Have you read the background & the basic rules ? \r\n\r\nIV. How often do you post. \r\n\r\nV. What is your timezone ?\r\n","SystemID":"08E0FAF3-AF9F-4C06-8886-36020643EC2E","SystemName":"D&D 3ed","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2021-05-20 13:36:01","LastUpdate":"2021-05-20 13:36:01","CreatedDate":"2021-05-20 13:36:01","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"7B5B7705-B7E5-4F8C-A783-8F0B6DD2E9BD","GameName":"Search for the Dragon Lord","Background":"3.5 PHB Character starting at 3rd level working through a challenging epic story. No evil alignment allowed.\r\n\r\nIf you are still interested, here is the background of the story:\r\n\r\nOn the world of Dyron, there is a group of islands called the Itwibs or Dragon Isles. The islands are the historical birthplace of all dragons. During this earlier time, this area has been dangerous and deadly. Either a person became the slave to the dragons or their food. Of course some saw this as an area of advantage, so the enterprising or just plain stupid individuals found hiding within these isle perfect to work their nefarious goals. At this time in history these people where mostly just rogues and pirates looking for a safe place to make their plans. \r\n\r\nOne such group of pirates carved out one section of an island and made it theirs. They named their hidden location Unnd. Throughout the years the pirates prospered and from their loot, they paid off the local dragons to leave them be. As can be the nature of a chaotic society, war breaks out between the factions that run the town that has become a city. Eventually after a bloody military takeover, a powerful Warlord named Fyna Rylyle took control of the city and the island. Through this take over was by some mysterious magical means, Warlord Rylyle had taken control of the dragons.\r\n\r\nThis was the beginning of the Dragon Lords. From Unnd, Warlord Rylyle and his Dragon Lords took control of a major portion of the Itwibs. After a prolong war, they subjugate the dragons, and created the Satyricon Empire. Unnd became the seat of power for the Empire.\r\n\r\nFor the next 430 years, the Rylyle Family and the Dragon Lords controlled the Itwibs, only raiding neighboring countries from time to time. Then in 1030 the Rylyle Family where overthrown by a cousin of the Emperor, Repra Vaugen. Emperor Rylyle escaped the take over and ran to a far corner of the world. Repra Vaugen took control of the Satyricon Empire and the Dragon Lords. \r\n\r\nFor the next 37 years, the Itwibs and Unnd had again become a dangerous place to live. Though the society as a whole never lost their chaotic in nature, the new Emperor Vaugen was total evil and attempted to control the populace through fear of his Dragon Lords and his secret deadly police, The Shadow. \r\n\r\nEven under these harsh conditions, the city thrived and its power grew. Education has always been a strong corner stone of Satyricon Empire, even though it had been largely curtailed after Emperor Vaugen was put into power, many schools still operated. \r\n\r\nDuring this period, loyalists to the Emperor Rylyle where hunted down and executed. Some escape to other islands in the hopes that the true emperor would return and free them from the Mad Emperor.\r\n\r\nThe adventure begins about 10 years after a political upheaval and about 3 years after territorial event. The political upheaval was the Emperor Vaugen takes complete control of his people which he called the Purge, destroying all those who oppose his mad ideals. In the process he destroyed Unnd and some of the other islands nearby. Now this location is known as the Undead Sea.\r\n\r\nThe territorial event was the Emperor Vaugen somehow lost his control over the dragons and they revolted. The event, Dragon\u2019s Revolt, fractured what was left of the empire into different government grouping within the islands. The majority now in control of the dragons once again.\r\n\r\nOne set of 10 islands that is the location of the start of the adventure are called Per-Ted. \r\n\r\nPer-Ted is governed by a powerful merchant family named Delco, who make a lucrative business dealing with nations that are west of Itwibs. Even so, Delco family has a large military organization that keep order and help protect the islands. To the north is the Undead Sea, to the east is where the dragons settled after their revolt against the Mad Emperor, aptly named the Dragon Isles. To the south is a grouping of 11 island named Xosur and is rumored to be ruled by a heartless and possibly undead creature who calls himself the last of the Dragon Lords. \r\n\r\nThis adventure\u2019s goal is to search out, find and assist the true emperor, Emperor Rylyle, the True Dragon Lord \r\n","Description":"** What Character Class do you like?\r\n\r\n**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**What is your longest lasting game?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in (just so I know the time zone difference)?\r\n\r\n***Proposed Character: \r\nBefore I can consider adding your character to the board. I will need to review your Character Concept for your application. I will be sending you a request via my email address.\r\n\r\ndm-nfr@comcast.net\r\n\r\nRemember, your character\u2019s backgrounds should incorporate your character\u2019s class development. So please create a background so it makes it easier for me to incorporate based on the territory and the political environment. As a reminder, no one can be evil alignment. This adventure is a search between the underdogs good vs. the dominant evil. All listed races in 3.5E PHB can be used, anything unusual will have to be agreed upon.\r\n\r\nNote:\r\nThis is not a fast paced game, but the pace follows character participation.\r\n\r\nKeep in mind the following:\r\n\r\nThat the character will begin as a 3rd level and his/her alignment would have to be based on either neutral or good (Chaotic or Lawful is up to you).\r\n\r\nRace and Class is your choice.\r\n\r\nTo assist in developing your character's complete background, please consider reading the background link info on the game\u2019s story board.\r\n\r\nThanks\r\nDM\r\n","SystemID":"08E0FAF3-AF9F-4C06-8886-36020643EC2E","SystemName":"D&D 3ed","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2024-09-20 07:25:49","LastUpdate":"2024-09-20 07:25:49","CreatedDate":"2021-06-29 05:24:28","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"300A3B7D-3BAF-49D5-939D-672CCA811122","GameName":"The Age of Worms 3.5 ","Background":"NONE","Description":"NONE","SystemID":"08E0FAF3-AF9F-4C06-8886-36020643EC2E","SystemName":"D&D 3ed","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2022-05-20 19:01:22","CreatedDate":"2022-05-20 18:49:49","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"CE980BE0-4862-47FA-BF9D-BA47C13141D5","GameName":"The Crawling Darkness","Background":"
The Creeping Darkness
\r\n People live their lives in the light, rarely aware of the darkness, or more importantly the things that dwell within them. \r\n\r\nWelcome to the Domain of I'Cath. Unlike most adventurers your not trying to escape from the Domain of Ravenloft as it is all that you have known. You are however, a hero, you protect the weak and protect from those who would cause tyranny in the world and destroy peace. \r\n\r\nThis has brought you to the small village of T'Yu mostly farm land, the young lord who rules lives in a small manor in town. Seeking shelter, and healing as you encountered some trouble on the road. Has brought you all, to the small area and from here the adventure will gather you in. \r\n\r\n\r\n
  • --This game will be 5th level you will be allowed to use Pathfinder/Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 \r\n\r\n
  • --No 3rd Party stuff please.\r\n\r\n
  • --Stat Array - 18,17,16,15,14,12\r\nHit Points: Max level 1-3 roll from there after.\r\n
  • --I will be using Pathfinder Fear & Corruption Rules. \r\n
  • --No half orcs. (they are caliban in ravenloft)\r\n
  • --I will not allow Gunslingers, Binders or anything from Magic of Incarnum, No Pact Magic or true namings magics. Otherwise I am pretty open. \r\n
  • -- I require a picture that is not from the selection of images here. This can be art work or an actual person, I relay a lot on C-Drama to find faces for NPC's. \r\n
  • --I require a brief history for your character so I have an idea where you are coming from. \r\n
  • --I expect 2 posts a week. \r\n
  • --10,500 gold\r\n
  • --medium path for leveling.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"08E0FAF3-AF9F-4C06-8886-36020643EC2E","SystemName":"D&D 3ed","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2021-07-21 02:06:20","LastUpdate":"2021-06-28 21:39:03","CreatedDate":"2021-06-28 21:39:03","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"6AA84B52-1036-43BB-92F1-D6B825C920F0","GameName":"Toy's In The Palm of The Gods","Background":"

    Welcome to Toy's In The Palm's of The Gods, this is a game that is truly meant to go Epic. As each PC is the Chosen of a God. Allowing for them to have a bit more power, and grow their influence in the Realms, as at the same time darkness has begun to stir and is rising from the darkness--discreet dealings are being made, and nightmares are becoming a reality all across the world.\u00a0

    Whispers of an ancient prophecy come from Candlekeep.

    An ancient god that slumbers awakens...

    A demon lord involves itself...

    And something is creeping...

    ","Description":"NONE","SystemID":"08E0FAF3-AF9F-4C06-8886-36020643EC2E","SystemName":"D&D 3ed","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2022-05-20 19:23:40","LastUpdate":"2022-05-30 14:17:20","CreatedDate":"2022-05-20 19:05:52","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"640FD57B-DB88-438D-9226-DEC1D1B0EFAE","GameName":"What awaits","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"08E0FAF3-AF9F-4C06-8886-36020643EC2E","SystemName":"D&D 3ed","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2020-07-24 13:33:11","LastUpdate":"2021-06-19 12:25:08","CreatedDate":"2021-06-19 12:25:08","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"A446AF86-D566-4642-8500-A778CAE26A41","GameName":"Fairgrove Valley","Background":"

    Players are accepted BY INVITATION ONLY.

    Game Web Site

    This game uses Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.\u00a0Please start with the \u201cD&D 5e Basic\u201d character template from the Toon Tool.\u00a0You can change it as you need to.\u00a0Start at level 1 with basic equipment and 5gp.

    The idyllic place known as Fairgrove Valley has been home to many generations of farmers, tradesmen, and merchants for many years of prosperity and peace.\u00a0Rumors of far-away wars, famine, and disruption have been stories and nothing more.\u00a0The trade with outside villages and travelling merchants has provided what little change there has been in decades.\u00a0Until recently\u2026.

    For a few months, there have been reports of burned farmhouses, livestock raids, and other strange happenings from over the hills.\u00a0While causing much frenzied talk for the locals, none were prepared for what recently happened.

    Last week, some of the farms on the eastern side of Fairgrove Valley were raided and burned.\u00a0The Village Council of Rosebourne, the leaders of the main village in the center of the valley, have called for a team to investigate this matter.\u00a0They are afraid of what might happen if the residents were to get the idea that the council isn\u2019t actually useful, and they would never let that thought prosper.

    So, you were admitted to Rockwind Hall, the largest building in the village.\u00a0There, others like yourself are waiting for news, instructions, or to be chosen.

    ","Description":"NONE","SystemID":"FF553D65-059C-4259-B75C-1A79D6E25745","SystemName":"D&D 5e","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2021-08-04 11:33:25","LastUpdate":"2021-12-03 14:13:41","CreatedDate":"2021-12-02 12:18:55","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"E4872806-31C8-4B1B-ACCE-78950CF88DB1","GameName":"Stranded in Faerun","Background":"

    In the bustling city of Waterdeep, a diverse group of individuals from Earth found themselves entangled in a mysterious series of events that would forever alter their destinies. These modern-day adventurers, each with their unique skills and backgrounds, had embarked on a fateful journey aboard an airplane, unaware of the magical anomaly that lurked in the skies above.

    As the plane cruised through the celestial planes, an unexpected surge of arcane energy enveloped it, tearing through the fabric of reality. The passengers were thrust into a chaotic portal that transcended the boundaries of time and space, hurtling them into the heart of the Forgotten Realms.

    The crash was violent, the once serene sky now replaced by the majestic landscapes of Faer\u00fbn. The survivors emerged from the wreckage, disoriented and bewildered by the strange world that lay before them. The remnants of their plane scattered across the Sword Coast, leaving them stranded in a land of magic, monsters, and mysticism.

    The group quickly realized that they were not alone in this new realm. The natives of Faer\u00fbn, curious and cautious, observed these newcomers with suspicion. Rumors of the strange beings that fell from the sky spread like wildfire, reaching the ears of powerful factions, wizards, and adventurers alike.

    United by the shared goal of returning home, the Earthbound party must navigate the complexities of Faer\u00fbn, forging alliances and facing the challenges that arise in a world steeped in fantasy. Magic is both a gift and a danger, and the survivors soon discover that their arrival was not a mere accident. Prophecies and ancient powers converge, intertwining the fate of these displaced travelers with the destiny of the Forgotten Realms.

    The journey to unravel the mysteries of their arrival and find a way back home will take them from the bustling streets of Waterdeep to the ancient ruins of Myth Drannor, and beyond. As they forge bonds with the denizens of Faer\u00fbn, the Earthbound adventurers will not only uncover the secrets of their presence in this magical realm but also leave an indelible mark on the tapestry of the Forgotten Realms.

    ","Description":"NONE","SystemID":"FF553D65-059C-4259-B75C-1A79D6E25745","SystemName":"D&D 5e","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2024-04-27 10:27:56","LastUpdate":"2024-07-12 01:56:14","CreatedDate":"2023-12-19 20:52:17","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"007E1B09-B20E-47E0-99F7-AAA2FB82617A","GameName":"SURREALPUNK!","Background":"

    SURREALPUNK! is an Absurdist adventure setting and psyche-bending ruleset for 5e D&D.

    ","Description":"NONE","SystemID":"FF553D65-059C-4259-B75C-1A79D6E25745","SystemName":"D&D 5e","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2022-04-10 10:36:11","CreatedDate":"2022-04-10 10:35:14","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"760FCE49-A06A-4054-8178-422E6FA12C2F","GameName":"Beneath Wild Skies","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"952C7401-02E3-4F8C-A5E4-E2AE748DA5FE","SystemName":"d20","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2021-06-13 10:20:01","LastUpdate":"2021-06-13 10:20:01","CreatedDate":"2021-06-13 10:20:01","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"2A9BE855-3677-4958-AD19-083662616FE9","GameName":"Pathfinder?","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"952C7401-02E3-4F8C-A5E4-E2AE748DA5FE","SystemName":"d20","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-12-30 18:05:04","CreatedDate":"2019-12-30 18:05:04","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"6336E68E-2F7A-4CE5-A1E6-9CCFF47D3F7C","GameName":"The Sword Coast","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"952C7401-02E3-4F8C-A5E4-E2AE748DA5FE","SystemName":"d20","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2018-06-23 11:59:30","CreatedDate":"2018-06-23 11:59:30","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"08C13DF4-007B-41AF-8E3D-D51D360A00E6","GameName":"A question of Adventure","Background":"

    A new game to test a style of play.

    ","Description":"NONE","SystemID":"ED18F0B8-4685-4645-ABB3-500CB064CDAE","SystemName":"Fantasy","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2022-02-25 17:33:56","LastUpdate":"2022-02-25 17:33:56","CreatedDate":"2021-11-16 19:15:52","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"0B38E9BC-F1C1-4891-9784-EAD8773B1C6D","GameName":"An Exercise In Prose","Background":"Our game begins with a writing prompt, I will give you your prompt on the OOC board after you have told me a bit about your character then I want a 500 word (ish) introduction where you show us as much as you can about who your character is and what they do.\r\n\r\nFor theme, think more classic dnd and less modern fantasy tropes.","Description":"Tell me about yourself, whatever you feel comfortable divulging:\r\n\r\n\r\nTell me about your character, in as much detail as possible:","SystemID":"ED18F0B8-4685-4645-ABB3-500CB064CDAE","SystemName":"Fantasy","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-11-01 10:59:56","CreatedDate":"2017-11-01 10:59:56","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"E47699C4-5770-4963-823E-C30E387570E7","GameName":"Chronicles of Bristov","Background":"Less than a dozen years ago, a new landmass was discovered far to the west of the Celestian continent. Named Bristov after the captain officially credited with the discovery it attracted the casual interest of many adventurers and colonists. However, there is a new urgency in the exploration of the new world. A terrible plague has swept through Celestia, it kills nearly all who come in contact with it leaving towns, cities and country communities alike abandoned ghost towns. \r\n\r\n\r\nYou are one of the lucky few who secured passage on a ship headed west. By legal or shady means you are about to arrive in the new world. Will you attempt to create safety or secure power? Loyally band with others to face the new and exotic dangers or go it on your own? The choice is yours. \r\n\r\nYou know little to nothing of what lies ahead and all that lies behind you are memories... good luck, adventurer!\r\n\r\n(Note: Please read the 'Documentation' board before designing a character.)\r\n","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died?\r\n\r\n**If you are comfortable disclosing, what is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you? (again, only if you are comfortable with me knowing.)\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n**In about a paragraph, describe your character. I'm looking for some basic background details, some skills/abilities and mostly some personality and unique elements. \r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"ED18F0B8-4685-4645-ABB3-500CB064CDAE","SystemName":"Fantasy","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2018-01-23 10:33:18","CreatedDate":"2018-01-23 10:33:18","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"D11B8ACB-3EC1-4BCB-82E1-18C0F0CB8ABF","GameName":"Humble Beginnings","Background":"This game is going to begin in a somewhat cliche way. You will have nothing, no equipment, skills or even armor (we're assuming rags or tattered clothes to avoid being knocked to the Adult section) It is a fantasy setting but I want you guys to begin in a somewhat unique way.\r\n\r\nI don't want you to create characters.\r\n\r\nInstead, I would like you to select a name and a profile picture (ideally one off of the in-site list but I understand wanting to outsource if that is more your speed) and then work on building the character as you go.","Description":"Alright, I know you guys, just give me an idea of the TYPE of character you want to work towards so we're on the same page:\r\n\r\nNote, if you are reading this and I don't know you... you may still RTP I just need an explanation as to why this game stood out to you:","SystemID":"ED18F0B8-4685-4645-ABB3-500CB064CDAE","SystemName":"Fantasy","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2018-01-22 09:59:50","CreatedDate":"2018-01-22 09:59:50","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"90BA76A5-D897-4BA0-820F-C63CA62736BB","GameName":"Realm of the Seven","Background":"The Realm of the Seven is the working title of an actual pen and paper role play game I am writing. This online game is going to transpire within the same setting, but be far looser on the rules. \r\n\r\nThe current copy of the setting and rules are located on World Anvil, here: \r\n\r\nhttps://www.worldanvil.com/w/realm-of-the-seven-Dallasmacarthy\r\n\r\n","Description":"Tell me about your character. Include the Archetype (Class) you wish to play your race and any specific or unusual powers or skills you possess:\r\n\r\n\r\nTell me what drives you to role play:","SystemID":"ED18F0B8-4685-4645-ABB3-500CB064CDAE","SystemName":"Fantasy","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2018-06-25 10:11:15","CreatedDate":"2018-06-25 10:11:15","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"647D652E-FB64-4162-96E9-33C3FDE73EE6","GameName":"The Bookbinding","Background":"The sleepy village of Aspenlee lies in the peaceful valley at the western foot of the Blue Mountains. To the south-west of Aspenlee is the River Mourn, and beyond its banks lies the Whispering Wood. It is thought that enchanted creatures may roam deep within its borders, but no one in Aspenlee has ever cared to investigate. \r\n\r\nLord Cullan's manor sits atop the nearest foothill to the east of Aspenlee. He rarely ventures to the valley himself. The villagefolk tend to the land and other necessities and are given a fair (though not extravagent) portion in return. \r\n\r\nLife in Aspenlee is quiet and peaceful - perhaps even a little boring. This is where we'll begin our story. ","Description":"Hello, and welcome! Thanks for your interest in the game. I hope you'll enjoy yourself in this little adventure. With that in mind, please answer a few questions that will help me keep things interesting and enjoyable for you. :)\r\n\r\n What is your favorite part of role-playing?\r\n\r\n What leaves you feeling bored in a story? \r\n\r\n What do you believe to be your strongest asset as a player? \r\n\r\n How often will you normally be able to post? \r\n\r\n Additional comments: ","SystemID":"ED18F0B8-4685-4645-ABB3-500CB064CDAE","SystemName":"Fantasy","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-03-02 07:39:33","CreatedDate":"2019-03-02 07:39:33","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"3E194B64-5EDD-457D-9858-6F8DB4B8EEA3","GameName":"The Dungeon Book","Background":"What is this too lazy to make a background? I am trying to see how quick and minimalist dungeon crawling play by post can be. Within find a table that immediately resolves combat so that the story can progress. \r\n\r\nCare to try it out?","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"ED18F0B8-4685-4645-ABB3-500CB064CDAE","SystemName":"Fantasy","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2021-09-28 20:26:31","LastUpdate":"2024-09-12 09:08:39","CreatedDate":"2021-06-29 09:14:34","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"EDCC6993-77BD-4E1A-BF0A-92584C0DD9C2","GameName":"Fudgeon Crawl ","Background":"

    Using the fudge on the fly rules, let's go for a good old fashioned dungeon crawl using fudge for our muse.

    I also plan on using the Down Crawl setting.

    Be warned I am a rather spontaneous and off the cuff gm. Come in, we have cookies!

    ","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\nCharacter Generation is composed of four steps: \r\n * Name the Character \r\n * Write a Blurb \r\n * Describe a Flaw \r\n * Choose a Talent \r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"B70E8403-CE48-4E58-A858-8B8A94E471EA","SystemName":"FUDGE","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2023-11-17 08:25:42","LastUpdate":"2023-11-17 08:25:42","CreatedDate":"2021-07-02 06:37:17","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"29D8D692-63D1-404B-A0D4-EE1F070EA1BB","GameName":"GURPS Homebrew","Background":"The starting area for everyone (for the time being) is the little village of Ashford. It is located in the northern region of the island kingdom known as Adrouba.\r\n\r\nThe population hovers right around 2500, but with the railroad coming soon, a large influx of workers has been a recent event, filling the inns and creating a new demand for temporary housing.\r\n\r\nThe village itself is surrounded by a fairly sturdy wooden wall that keeps out rare visitations by wild animals or bandit attacks.\r\n\r\nThe primary economy is fueled by the local mines where silver veins can be found quite often, but more frequently produce earthgems that can be cut by skilled artisans, and used in gem engines.\r\n\r\nA few small sawmills, paired with the vast tracks of deciduous forest, produces respectable amounts of lumber that is then floated downriver to the larger town of Wunsport once a year.\r\n\r\nThe local regional government is headed by the baron, Dirsteen Macklin. He is a fair and honorable man, which is more than can be said for his son, who will be succeeding him within the next few years.\r\n\r\nNot much adventure can be found in the little town itself, but the surrounding forests are full of secrets from civilizations long lost. The sharp, hearty and careful can find many wondrous treasures.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n","Description":"Hi! \r\n\r\nLike GURPS?\r\n\r\nWanna learn GURPS?\r\n\r\nYou have a sense of humor?\r\n\r\n\r\nCome on in!","SystemID":"449C2DEF-444C-442C-8B99-F9DE2023765E","SystemName":"GURPS","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2018-11-02 08:56:10","CreatedDate":"2018-11-02 08:56:10","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"C1C1ABAB-B69C-4851-A460-36098D745516","GameName":"New York Shadows","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"449C2DEF-444C-442C-8B99-F9DE2023765E","SystemName":"GURPS","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-05-12 04:39:23","CreatedDate":"2017-05-12 04:39:23","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"B489FE77-10C7-49E8-919A-12ADBE961162","GameName":"Error 404 Game Not Found","Background":"

    Currently being set up to test things out.

    Please Note the name is a joke on the classic anbd sometimes annoying \"404 page not found\" at leat until the game is set up....

    ","Description":"NONE","SystemID":"FF553D65-059C-4259-B75C-1A79D6E25747","SystemName":"Legend of the Five Rings","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2022-06-14 00:13:03","LastUpdate":"2022-06-14 00:13:03","CreatedDate":"2021-12-28 06:10:03","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"048D76E4-149C-46A8-878F-3B5B151248E4","GameName":"NWOD-Innocents","Background":"Background\r\nDon't be afraid the whispered to you when you woke up chilled and sobbing with the nightmare still vivid in your head. As you saw what your parents didn't the bedroom door slowly close on itself as if it had never been open as if she had never been lurking there with her long sharp fingers, wild mane of unkempt hair and manically glowing eyes. \r\n\r\nRelax they had said. It will be fine. \r\n\r\nIt wasn't \r\n\r\nWas it you who lost a sibling ? A sister or brother ? Was it you who felt the fear creep into your bones as the slow creeks of the closet door opened, as the foot fall got closer and closer ? \r\n\r\nWas it even a witch ? Was it something worse...something darker ? A werewolf, a mummy, the woman with no eyes that scuttled like a spider across sheer surfaces. \r\n\r\nIts normal you parents say and wish they could believe it themselves. \r\n\r\nIt's just a part of being a New England Town, Comet, CT who's claim to fame was hundred's of years ago a comet created the crater that formed Silver Lake.\r\n\r\nYou simply know this as home","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"9BEF85A6-0F65-456E-AFE5-FE007501262F","SystemName":"Mage","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2021-07-24 16:08:49","LastUpdate":"2021-07-03 03:20:11","CreatedDate":"2021-07-03 03:20:11","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"FC999E25-834A-46B1-A265-22873DAE2D75","GameName":"Harper's Haven","Background":"\"\r\n\r\nHarper's Haven, in Maine, is a tiny coastal town, which survives on the tourism dollar of its seasonal guests. During the summer, the population nearly triples, with many wealthy Philadelphians and New Yorkers coming up to stay in their summer homes. It, as a town, is well over two hundred years old and many of the buildings are almost as old as that. It is wedged between Mt. Juniper and the bay shore, offering many beautiful natural settings to be enjoyed.\r\n\r\nBesides tourism dollars, there is a small fishing fleet which goes out into the bay. There is also the Walden Canning Concern, a large canning company. \r\n\r\nThe infamous Walden family has been the leading family in the community, for over two hundred years. Going back to Sir Thomas Walden, there have always been Waldens at Walden Grove. Walden Grove is a small, wooded estate set on the bluffs, overlooking the bay. There is a two hundred year old manor house, fashioned from imported yellow limestone. It is said that Sir Thomas's ghost still haunts the mansion, looking for revenge for his bloody murder. In fact, more than one Walden has met a bloody end. There is a history of deformity and insanity which has dogged this famous family.\r\n\r\nThis is a soap opera game, with mild touches of the supernatural to it. (I.E. You might spot a ghost or actually contact a dead relative with a seance.) This means no vampires or werewolves need apply. The writing, and the acting, will be over-the-top. We are looking for romance, racy material and revenge. There will be tidal waves, betrayals, affairs, kidnappings and evil twins. You can play a Walden, a tourist or a long-term resident.\r\n\r\nThe game is set in 1985. It is July 4th, on a Thursday and fireworks are starting in an hour or so. \"Back to the Future\" just came out yesterday. Ronald Reagan has just started his second term as the U.S. president, with George H. W. Bush serving as his vice president. \"We Are the World\" is still in the public consciousness. In South Africa, Nelson Mandela is still in prison. The Berlin wall is still four years away from falling. The Irish Republican Army is still waging a war against the British. Four months ago Amadeus won best picture at the Academy Awards. Bryan Adam's \"Heaven\" has replaced Tears For Fear's \"Everybody Wants To Rule The World\" as the number one song on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100. New Coke has failed and Classic Coke is back. Studio Ghibli is just getting off the ground in Japan. Hair is big and clothing is colorful.\r\n\r\n-------------------------------\r\n\r\nRules: \r\n\r\n- Fade-to-black for sex scenes. This is not an adult game, though there will be mature themes.\r\n\r\n- Write a minimum of one full paragraph per post. Two or three paragraphs should be the norm and more are welcome. Try to write for quality over quantity though.\r\n\r\n- You must write in complete, easily read, grammatically-sound sentences. No netspeak, lack of punctuation and the like will be tolerated. You will only receive one warning. I do not expect perfection, but I do expect a reasonable effort.\r\n\r\n- Post a minimum of twice weekly. Three or four times a week is preferred. \r\n\r\n- Try to find alternatives to the f-bomb. Again, this is not an adult game. Such words as bitch, damn and hell are fine, but do not go overboard. This is 1980's television, not HBO.\r\n\r\n- If you quit without giving notice, after one week of no activity, and a two day warning, your character will become an NPC, the GM will write for him or her as he sees fit.\r\n\r\n- Double characters are allowed, but only if you can keep up the twice weekly posting requirement for both characters.\r\n\r\n- If you have an issue with another player, for whatever reason, use PM's rather than bringing it up in the *Talk of the Town*. I also ask you think before you do so. This goes for the Administrator also. \r\n\r\n--------------------------------\r\n\r\n\r\nNote: You may come up with other family members, townsfolk, tourists and the like.\r\n\r\n--------------------------------\r\n\r\nCHARACTER SHEET\r\n\r\nPublic description, what strangers see.\r\n\r\nPicture: You must have a picture of your character, whether you use HTML or the pictures PBW provides.\r\n\r\nBiography: 1-2 paragraphs\r\n\r\n\r\nPrivate stuff, stats and background.\r\n\r\nFull Name:\r\nAge:\r\nGender/Orientation: \r\nOccupation:\r\nCatch Phrase: \r\nRelationships: who do you know and how - can put pending at the beginning\r\nSecrets: give me at least one","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post week?\r\n\r\n**What is your longest lasting game?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n**This is not an adult game, but I expect a lot of fade-to-blacks and some mature themes. Will you be O.K. with this?\r\n\r\n**Give me a one or two paragraphs biography for your intended character.\r\n\r\n**Writing Sample: Give me a three paragraphs opening post for your intended character, written in third person past tense. (Like a novel.)\r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"961446B8-EF73-4D84-8FC2-49C5E4E4327A","SystemName":"Modern","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-06-21 09:52:37","CreatedDate":"2017-06-21 09:52:37","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"BA86ADBB-DD60-421E-BBB5-27D9B145BCEA","GameName":"Loren Falls","Background":"Wild Fun In Paradise Beach(game Title)\r\n\r\nCowabunga surfer dudes and dudettes. Welcome to Paradise Beach, California. In this charming southern Cali town two families vie for control. One is the Lorenzo family who have had a lot of turmoil with the recent deaths of the two youngest siblings Lincoln and Justin. A few have suspected Alex in both deaths but he may actually be innocent. The other is the Reed family. Joyce and Derrick have separated and Derrick plans to utilize his freedom and begin seducing Donna Lorenzo.\r\n\r\nThe rest of the town of course thrives as well. From corrupt cop Joe Cassidy extorting business owners into paying protection money. Meanwhile his son rules the school with his own gang. \r\n\r\nSo come and soak up some rays as the school year starts. And maybe have a nice romance under a warm California Sun.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"961446B8-EF73-4D84-8FC2-49C5E4E4327A","SystemName":"Modern","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2018-01-02 18:51:51","CreatedDate":"2018-01-02 18:51:51","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"7BB9FBAA-93D8-4C53-B008-4242BF34ADC3","GameName":"Aeclethra","Background":"Private game. ","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"70A9B529-2005-4D62-B746-7F56E1474E72","SystemName":"Other","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-01-26 01:03:01","CreatedDate":"2019-01-26 01:03:01","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"1056736C-994F-47DA-A3B3-54B20711EE52","GameName":"Age of Enlightenment","Background":"Because of real world issues game is being suspended until further notice. But it will be back.\r\nGame mechanics copyright 2013\r\nby invitation only\r\nAll game mechanics rules etc. stay within this game. Hopefully with enough play this game will be on the market 2019\r\n\r\nThe Setting\r\nFantasy Medieval Europe at the dawn of exploration. Something was discovered and something terrible happened. Nobody knows the full extent of what happened, but they know it was huge. Now that the dust has finally settled, the people can once again freely move about the land. Several things are still being rebuilt, but on a positive note, after 200 years, it is a new age of discovery and rediscovery.\r\nduring this time period many things will occur that effect world events. Characters of this time will be adventuring in the middle of all of it\r\n\r\nThe Church\r\nWhile the church is being rebuilt, the leaders are taking a far more active roll in the protection of mankind. Even the faith structure itself has changed. The once strong belief in the one god Aref has changed too a belief system of the many gods. \r\nBishop Eric Fredin, \r\n\"Frankly we take these steps, because things are clearly not the same any more\"...\r\nplease note: this is not about Judaeo/Christian faith - it is all fantasy/mythology \r\n\r\nThe Crown\r\nShifting through the rubble, of what was once a strong proud nation, King Richard Phillips has granted the church more authority in the welfare of the state. In exchange the church is giving much greater aid in kingdom reconstruction.\r\nBaron John Wilson III\r\n\"Many looks for leadership. And not only for them, but for our own sake, we cannot fail\". \r\n\r\nGame Play\r\nPlease remember your character's station in life. The wrong tone of voice or choice of words (can) have your character imprisoned, fined, enslaved, killed, or any combination of the above.\r\nFantasy Medieval Europe is given for visual effect and feel only. This is not Medieval Europe","Description":"Are you my son, daughter in law, grand-daughter, or a friend of one of those already mentioned? If not sorry this board is only for them and my wife. If you are one of the above please continue.\r\n\r\nPlease answer all the questions. For questions A and B, the answers must be an 100% YES, maybe or no will not get it for this board.\r\n\r\nA. Did you read and understand the background for this game?\r\n\r\nB. Did you read the character introduction / requirements thread of this game located on the board itself and understand it?\r\n\r\nC. What will your character's alignment be? (nothing evil).\r\n\r\nD. What is your character's name?\r\n\r\nE. What is your character's profession? \r\n\r\nF. Does your character have any personal goals? \r\nIf so please state them.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n","SystemID":"70A9B529-2005-4D62-B746-7F56E1474E72","SystemName":"Other","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2022-03-08 05:04:09","LastUpdate":"2022-03-08 05:04:09","CreatedDate":"2021-07-01 22:26:14","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"B383F634-869B-4A5E-980E-069326F1380A","GameName":"Cedar City","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"70A9B529-2005-4D62-B746-7F56E1474E72","SystemName":"Other","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2018-07-25 15:37:53","CreatedDate":"2018-07-25 15:37:53","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"159F2E8B-09A7-4950-B89D-947606C701E8","GameName":"Curse of Strahd 5E","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"70A9B529-2005-4D62-B746-7F56E1474E72","SystemName":"Other","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2020-04-28 13:05:09","LastUpdate":"2020-04-28 13:05:09","CreatedDate":"2020-04-28 13:05:09","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"EC3C392B-2367-4EA4-9E4E-797C829DECCD","GameName":"Dungeon World","Background":"This is a private game/invite only. Player's flag is only on so the people invited to the game can join! Sorry and thanks!","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"70A9B529-2005-4D62-B746-7F56E1474E72","SystemName":"Other","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-01-16 19:16:04","CreatedDate":"2019-01-16 19:16:04","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"4F089186-9DED-4901-8090-8E558E859E34","GameName":"Flurrywinde's Test Game","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"70A9B529-2005-4D62-B746-7F56E1474E72","SystemName":"Other","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-06-16 20:06:46","CreatedDate":"2019-06-16 20:06:46","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"6647EB94-F1B1-4AD7-8A73-C35E6B470145","GameName":"Hooperia","Background":"Hooperia is a modestly sized but wealthy Kingdom on the continent of Rebaskan. Through its armies and magic it has held rivals and marauding monsters at bay. Due to its strength and stability a large population of all the \"goodly races\" can be found there. But a strange wind is starting to blow from the East, an ancient rival stirs, and Hooperia might not be ready.\r\n\r\nThis game is a prototype of my own creation with elements of Pathfinder RPG, mass combat and kingdom management. It is a work in progress and is very early in development. I apologize in advance for any mistakes, missing elements, or just plain making it up as I go. Please offer constructive critisism, but remember I JUST started this and want to put my own spin on systems that may already be in place. I may have borrowed on many names, places, and other ideas. I do not consider these my creation but I am borrowing until such time as I get the kinks all worked out and the real game begins.\r\n\r\n-The Admin","Description":"**This game is only open to people I know. If you think your in the right place, please indicate how you know me:","SystemID":"70A9B529-2005-4D62-B746-7F56E1474E72","SystemName":"Other","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2020-04-11 13:35:53","LastUpdate":"2020-04-11 13:35:53","CreatedDate":"2020-04-11 13:35:53","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"2D8D16A5-3C8A-4134-BF09-CDEEA933A1B8","GameName":"Into Italy","Background":"This is a private game set up to continue a game started in person, during the covid restrictions. It is open to those who were playing in the original game. The players wanted flag is only out because the system will not allow any players to join without it, but we are not accepting new players.","Description":"What is my name?\r\nDo you know the other players?\r\n\r\nIf you cannot answer these questions, you will not be accepted. Sorry, but this is a private game, see the description, and read those before you apply to random strange games.\r\n\r\nThank you.","SystemID":"70A9B529-2005-4D62-B746-7F56E1474E72","SystemName":"Other","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2020-04-10 09:27:44","LastUpdate":"2020-04-10 09:27:44","CreatedDate":"2020-04-10 09:27:44","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"D1BA3FDB-AF23-404E-B87E-EB2125601CE0","GameName":"Kert's Debug","Background":"This is a test game for internal purposes.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"70A9B529-2005-4D62-B746-7F56E1474E72","SystemName":"Other","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2023-01-31 20:31:14","LastUpdate":"2023-02-03 20:47:38","CreatedDate":"2019-09-19 15:06:29","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"501B290B-CBFC-48B8-AB20-2B1DF42CFFC1","GameName":"La Grieta del Trueno","Background":"NONE","Description":"NONE","SystemID":"70A9B529-2005-4D62-B746-7F56E1474E72","SystemName":"Other","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2024-05-07 03:09:40","CreatedDate":"2024-05-07 02:49:36","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"E8563E62-9286-4652-87E6-8EA03D4AA9A1","GameName":"Stormkeep Pathfinder","Background":"This is a game run under Pathfinder rules. It is based on the book issued to supporters of the online game. Thornkeep is where it starts. It gets very dangerous. I will run the introductory adventures, to get you strong enough to meet some of the best writers in fantasy roleplaying. I will add more of the intro. Medium XP progression standard rolls.\r\n Hidden within the twisting paths of Echo Wood, the lawless settlement of Thornkeep gives shelter to folk both dangerus and desperate. Here the hardiest settlers and artisans ply their trades ready to defend their own with blade or arrow. A place where the bold and enterprising can make a fortune and perhaps even keep it-so long as they are strong enough to protect their wealth from the myriad dangers, both human and otherwise, which plague the town. This is set in the River Kingdoms, in Pathfinder world of Gollarion. It is a lawless state where freedom is the watchword. It's people are criminals, princes ousted from their seats, outcasts. It is in constant flux. Stormkeep is not unique in this kingdom. It is the norm. Seeking especially a cleric and a wizard. 2nd level. Also I have a half elf magus and human female ranger who are NPCs. I would accept offers to take one over. ","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"70A9B529-2005-4D62-B746-7F56E1474E72","SystemName":"Other","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2022-01-07 18:34:01","CreatedDate":"2017-11-11 18:44:50","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"8757B35B-84EE-4EA0-A1D7-104838096873","GameName":"The Fall of Andromeda","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"70A9B529-2005-4D62-B746-7F56E1474E72","SystemName":"Other","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-09-23 19:18:11","CreatedDate":"2019-09-23 19:18:11","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"159D5B3F-D70E-4D5E-87ED-0BC7AD0CC485","GameName":"The Last Portal","Background":"This is a solo private game for a friend. ","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"70A9B529-2005-4D62-B746-7F56E1474E72","SystemName":"Other","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2020-07-26 15:37:31","LastUpdate":"2020-07-26 15:37:31","CreatedDate":"2020-07-26 15:37:31","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"B3504CAE-BB87-43C8-BEC8-18AC33884839","GameName":"Wands, Witches and Wizards","Background":"Welcome students, to a new year of learning. Join us as we once again return to our home away from home, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am your Headmistress, Professor Hermione Weasley, and I will work to ensure you have a safe, fun and productive term of learning. Enclosed you will find your list of required textbooks and items needed for the term, we hope to see you promptly on the first of September.\r\nSincerely,\r\nHermione Weasley, Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.\r\n\r\nYou've all received the above letter and presumably are excited to either visit for the first time or are returning to the school, depending on the year you're in. Things have been quiet since the end of the second wizarding war and the death of Voldemort. Hogwarts was repaired and in some places completely rebuilt and reopened the very next year.\r\n\r\nIts now been twenty years since then and things seem to be going good for the school and its students. Some familiar faces have returned to help out and teach what they themselves learned. They will be joined by some new faces as Hogwarts plays host to other schools once again, though not for a tournament of any kind, but for something new this year that was organized with Professor Weasley's help as a surprise for her new and returning students.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died?\r\n\r\n**What is your longest lasting game?\r\n\r\n**Character's Name?\r\n\r\n**Character's Sex?\r\n\r\n**Character's Personality?\r\n\r\n**Wand Length?\r\n\r\n**Wand Wood?\r\n\r\n*Wand Core?\r\n\r\n**Year?\r\n\r\n**Hogwart's House?\r\n\r\n**Background Story?\r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"70A9B529-2005-4D62-B746-7F56E1474E72","SystemName":"Other","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2021-01-30 13:07:12","LastUpdate":"2021-01-30 13:07:12","CreatedDate":"2021-01-30 13:07:12","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"A29BC50C-FC3B-40F1-BD5A-087E1B117A86","GameName":"Abby Grace Terror","Background":"

    Coming soon. This will be a Beyond The Supernatural Game 1st edition. More details will be added.

    ","Description":"NONE","SystemID":"235571CE-9ADE-48BB-9716-81C9A65A3F01","SystemName":"Palladium","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2022-10-25 10:43:33","CreatedDate":"2022-10-25 10:40:24","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"3BC1C669-5B36-4384-93F2-1FB0B1A479DA","GameName":"Beyond The Supernatural(1sted)","Background":"



    Hey There..Welcome to my BTS game. Slay Bells this is meant to be a Beyond the Supernatural Game for the Holidays. I can keep it going past the Holidays, but this is just something I wanted to do a sort of quick adventure. \r\n\r\nThat said if you are interested I have a few Pre Generated Characters if you don't have time to create one of your own, or you can create one of your own but the adventure will be starting tonight!\r\n \r\n\r\n","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"235571CE-9ADE-48BB-9716-81C9A65A3F01","SystemName":"Palladium","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2021-06-08 20:13:17","LastUpdate":"2021-06-08 20:13:17","CreatedDate":"2021-06-08 20:13:17","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"752D222F-9945-498A-A1B8-6B9AFF4C0D0E","GameName":"Dying of The Light","Background":"NONE","Description":"NONE","SystemID":"235571CE-9ADE-48BB-9716-81C9A65A3F01","SystemName":"Palladium","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2021-07-21 15:46:29","LastUpdate":"2021-07-20 11:37:59","CreatedDate":"2021-07-20 11:37:59","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"977EA381-FD79-467F-A667-AA5997315E2C","GameName":"Tales of Terror ","Background":"Since I was unable to change the name of my other game to reflect the adventure. This is now the game for it. This game is currently being run using the following Beyond The Supernatural 2nd edition, Rifters, The Nightbane Books ( this is all before Dark Day ), The Dead Reign Books ( this is all before the Zombie Apocalypse ). The game level is 4th. It's previous home is Here. (Also Sasha Knight if you see this, my password was lost and it took forever to get it back or I would have dropped a note into chat ) \r\n\r\nThe small town of Abbey Grace is a Tri-town area. Including Hobbs End, Maine & Ravenrook, Maine. This adveture is focused in Abbey Grace. Join our current adventure. \r\n\r\nIt has been more then fifty years since the Bells of Doramo were heard in Abbey Grace. They were heard once in 1922 and what they unleashed was nothing short of devastating. Within the Years to follow the Bells because an Urban Legend, albeit one that really happened. Mercy Hospital has taken on the broken Bells, and they rest atop the Hospital as a monument to the event, but well out of reach--Just in case. \r\n\r\nThe Holiday Season is Upon you, and you have come to Abbey Grace for various reasons, some have been called in for work, Other's are on vacation for the Holidays, some of you live there, others are visiting realitives and friends. \r\n\r\nAfter ll Abbey's Grace was founded by a Sect of Christian's who revered the Holiday. (or so they say). The whole town is lit up and it really is something to be seen, with snow that falls lightly, and lights to brighten the gray skyline. Its truly something out of a Christmas Card. \r\n\r\nOnly, that is the outward appearance and nothing like what it truly is. Looks can be deceptive and Abbey Grace is very good at deception. \r\n

    \r\n\r\nWelcome to Abbey Grace \r\nWe Light The Dark \r\n","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"235571CE-9ADE-48BB-9716-81C9A65A3F01","SystemName":"Palladium","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2021-12-17 17:36:07","LastUpdate":"2021-12-17 17:36:07","CreatedDate":"2021-06-25 10:00:06","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"C08E220E-F646-4C7F-B77B-501607E9F9B5","GameName":"Carrion Crown [Pathfinder]","Background":"

    A work in progress coming soon.

    ","Description":"NONE","SystemID":"2CB331AF-20A6-4A5D-85F3-2350A566434A","SystemName":"Pathfinder","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2021-12-02 23:54:01","LastUpdate":"2021-12-02 17:48:22","CreatedDate":"2021-12-02 17:48:22","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"A99C2229-7953-4911-AF69-62A290E9880D","GameName":"Universe in Formation","Background":"This is a spot for game preparation. The starting point for boards. No actual gaming here.","Description":"1. How long have you role played?\r\n\r\n 2. There is no situation in this game where a player character dies because of storyline, but in the event your character does die. How do you respond?\r\n\r\n 3. How old are you? The exact years are what I am asking for? This is about gaming fun not piety arguing. (maturity/respect of others), that is the main reason this question is asked.\r\n\r\n 4. How many times a week can you post. This will be an active game, therefore regular postings are required. Posting six times in one day counts as one posting. A very hardy post, but one post. Each day counts as a post. \r\n\r\n 5. Can you come up with ideas on your own? Most of this game will revolve around your actions and what direction you go with your character.\r\n\r\n 6. Give me a little of what you think about vampires.\r\n\r\n 7. As a human what profession or what kind of business is your character within?\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n I am not a big fan of the grammar police, so if you are one of them, place your paper badge and pencil gun in the drawer and don't bring it here. Although I do ask everyone to write in a manner, of which people can understand what you mean.\r\n","SystemID":"77A47F05-43C5-441B-9283-DA23702BE74E","SystemName":"SciFi","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2021-07-25 17:34:43","LastUpdate":"2021-07-02 07:51:32","CreatedDate":"2021-07-02 07:51:32","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"A07C6B15-65F6-418E-B1BF-8E716C0C1922","GameName":"Shadowrun","Background":"Music is emanating from the band in the corner of the penthouse at the top of an elite corporate building. The air is filled with small talk and women's laughter, as heels glide across the dance floor. This is clearly a party for the one percent, if the gold glimmering floor and tower of caviar didn't give it away. Two men are talking while sipping scotch. One very well dressed man is asking the corporate giant about the security spider position, he wants desperately to attain the position or test the security at the very least. The very well dressed man is Venec Talmhach, or simply Glitch. Glitch is an elf with a very particular set of skills. He calls himself a host tester. He has made a name for himself in the highest corporate ranks. Corporate giant Sir Edwin Grant is considering employing Glitch for his masterful skills, just then Glitch drops his scotch glass and it shatters all around the men's feet, the brown liquid drenching Sir Grant's shoes. He storms away in disgust. Glitch has just been informed that all of his money have been depleted. \"SON OF A BITCH\", he screams,He is now flat broke and no longer a job applicant. Glitch storms out of the building fanatically searching the matrix for the hacker or hackers responsible, he can't find them, the trail is cold...\r\n\r\n\r\nA man sits in a dark room with no windows and glares at his computer laughing insanely as money drains from one account and into another. He as just hacked one of the most successful security host testers ever to live. He drools a little when he thinks about how hell spend it all. \r\n\r\nGlitch picks up the phone and dials up a man named Nab. \"Nab, I'm calling in my favor, I need a team.\" Glitch looks up the men and women Nab suggests for the job, as Nab is talking. He finds them suitable. \"Send them to me at once Nab\". Nab thought about asking how Glitch was going to pay him much less the team he was going to send but he immediately thought better of it. Better to live today so I can get paid tomorrow he thought to himself and hung up the phone. Glitch paced the floor impatiently while he awaited the team. \r\n\r\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nGlitch sends out notifications to his nearest contact, Nab, a Johnson he use to work for while he was building up his reputation. Nab has gathered a group of runners fit to track down this hacker with what knowledge was known. You are meeting with Glitch in one of his warehouses in the middle of the night. \r\n\r\n\r\nA hulking troll named Scarn steps through the warehouse doors, with a blade on his back, and greets the ones waiting. *grunts* \"Name's Scarn. Blades and magic are my game and any job is doable....for the right price.\"\r\n\r\n\r\nA caucasian human male, about 6'4\" in his mid 30's, with a 5 o'clock shadow, brown hair that hangs down to his collar, with silvery grey streaks at the temples, and brown eyes, walks into the light. He's wearing dark brown leather work boots, dark denim jeans, grey shirt with collar unbuttoned and a green tie loose around his neck, under a long tan duster. He has no visible weapons, cybernetics, scars or tattoos.\r\n\r\nHe fires up a cigarette and says to Scarn, after sizing him up, \"Name's Jon. Has the client shown up yet?\"\r\n","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"FF553D65-059C-4259-B75C-1A79D6E25744","SystemName":"Shadowrun","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-07-06 21:00:53","CreatedDate":"2017-07-06 21:00:53","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"A32A2A6F-CC41-4346-90B0-FB17350B600A","GameName":"DCA:Let Freedom Ring","Background":"This game will use the DC Adventures rules which are coompatible with M&M 3rd Editition. It will feature the DC universe from comics mixed with ideas from the Arrowverse of tv.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe night the particle accerlerator exploded in Central City several inmates were infected and imbued with the energy becoming meta humans. Several escaped othhers were transferred to a facility that houses supers in Freedom Point. Here they begin learning tto hone their newfound powers.\r\n\r\nNow the Justice League as well as the majority of super villians have vanished leaving the world in peril from the new villians that are rising.\r\n\r\nIn a time when the world needs heroes they turn to tthose inmates in Freedom Point. With the promise of their own freedom will these inmates rise. Or, will they use it as a chance for escape.\r\n--------\r\nI think PL10 is appropriate for a starting level. The game will start up on the ride to Freedom Point. At the moment the inmates have dampening cuffs on.More to come on this in game.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"DB69573F-B3BD-4290-82D7-BBECE5281043","SystemName":"Super Heroes","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2018-08-31 08:00:28","CreatedDate":"2018-08-31 08:00:28","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"2B1D8B95-73FE-40E8-8EB6-976DBEC4888C","GameName":"Nightmares M&M 2nd ed.","Background":"This will be a mutants & mastermind 2nd edition game. Set in the fictional location of Nightless City. This will be a more horror oriented M&M game. \r\n\r\nPL will be 10. \r\n","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"DB69573F-B3BD-4290-82D7-BBECE5281043","SystemName":"Super Heroes","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2021-07-11 21:47:56","LastUpdate":"2021-07-01 23:19:49","CreatedDate":"2021-07-01 23:19:49","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"182F9B88-CDC3-435D-99DB-6C97332588C4","GameName":"World of Heroes","Background":"This is a super-heroes game taking place in Philadelphia, using the Mutants and Masterminds 2nd Edition rules.\r\n\r\nWorld of Heroes is an Alternia Comics setting. It is a world like our own, but in it, men and women with extraordinary abilities fight for justice, for peace, for liberty, for their country or their gods, for power, or for themselves. These super-powered adventurers inspire fear, anger, hope, and heroism across the globe, and have already altered the fate of humanity. The setting strives to tell this story: that anyone, anywhere, can be called without warning to greatness.\r\n\r\nThe world has withstood the invasion of the alien Tyrathi Empire and stopped the plans of King Stryss - all with the help of costumed heroes around the world. What will the next crisis be - and what new heroes will arise to meet it? Who will be called next to greatness, and how will they answer?","Description":"This game is by invitation, only. If you were invited, please just give me your first and last name, and tell me something you know about me.","SystemID":"DB69573F-B3BD-4290-82D7-BBECE5281043","SystemName":"Super Heroes","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2021-06-13 11:22:22","LastUpdate":"2021-06-13 11:22:22","CreatedDate":"2021-06-13 11:22:22","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"F16E267A-D77E-469B-8EEA-9C288C228D3D","GameName":"A Dystopic Utopia","Background":"Several years ago the earth was hit with a tragic anomaly. No one knows what exactly it was, maybe a space event, a mysterious disease, some have speculated magic even. No one knows. All is known is what it caused. Death. Death to the worlds entire population of the elderly, and the too young. Those that were spared were blessed... and cursed. The human genome was mutated and now the survivors barely age despite the passage of time. Harmful disease was eradicated. However... the human race was sterilized in its entirety. The tragedy and changes resulted in a total meltdown of human society as life seemed to have lost all meaning with the loss of loved ones... and potential future end of the human race. \r\n\r\nHumans are resilient and adaptable however and... a vague resemblance of a bounce back did occur. Modern, yet with only the most minimalist of governance. The populations largely self police and are left to do whatever, whenever, basically wherever they want so long as it is not violent in nature. People work and have jobs as is necessary for society to function, but little beyond, and have grown very accustomed to the nearly limitless freedoms they now enjoy or are appalled by. It is a dystopian utopia.\r\n\r\n______\r\n\r\nPlayer driven, there is no set in stone story line, only what becomes through player driven goals, desire, and interaction. This is a place to do whatever, whenever, wherever, and with whomever you wish.","Description":"Tell me a little about your role playing experience as well as your character.\r\n\r\nThis game is laid back with a heavy focus on player/player interaction, however good writing is expected. Exceptionally poor writing may see your character meet an early end. Not a threat, just nobody likes \"that guy\" in RP.","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-09-29 06:14:47","CreatedDate":"2019-09-29 06:14:47","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"A4F97E16-ABBC-42AF-BAB0-09451AA9B637","GameName":"Andromeda ","Background":"NONE","Description":"NONE","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2023-02-04 00:09:43","LastUpdate":"2023-02-04 01:27:11","CreatedDate":"2023-02-02 23:55:21","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"32564E5A-383E-487A-902C-9C5BC3A16198","GameName":"Angel & Devil","Background":"San Francisco, 2077. Twenty-five years after California seceded from the Union. \r\n\r\nIn the economic chaos that followed, multinational corporations acted quickly, supporting the fledgling sovereign state in return for unprecedented extra-territorial autonomy. \r\n\r\nNavigating these neon lit streets, in seedy bars and glittering towers of concrete and glass, the story of Angel and Devil unfolds.\r\n\r\n(OOC: looking for one-on-one free-form in a cyberpunk setting with me playing Devil ... character concept for Angel is wide open he/she can be a street gang nomad, soldier for hire, synth-pop music starlet, corporate up-and-comer, program bending hacker...)\r\n\r\n","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died?\r\n\r\n**What is your longest lasting game?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n**Character outline - who is Angel?","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2020-12-14 08:13:06","LastUpdate":"2020-12-14 08:13:06","CreatedDate":"2020-12-14 08:13:06","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"1436940D-1CED-4B94-B31B-380B85527ABB","GameName":"Apartment Living","Background":"Most of us can recall the joys of Apartment Living. In large cities it is more common than living in a House. Whether you're in college and living off campus to just wanting a small place to call your own.\r\n\r\nIn this game you will share a place with a roommate chosen at random. Whether this will be an idyllic living situation or you have the Sheldon Cooper of roomies will all be up to you the players. And of course this goes for your neighbors as well. Will you have the perfect, quiet type. Or those who love to party all night. As well how you live will lead to whether you get that pounding on the door to keep the noise down.\r\n\r\nThen of course there's the apartments themselves. Some are as close to perfect as you can get. Some are falling apart with management giving you, \"it will be fix, when I get to it\" and never gets done type.\r\n\r\nWelcome to the joys of apartment living. Will you enjoy it, or will you be seeking another place or roomie ASAP is up to you.\r\n-------\r\nThis is an Adult modern freeform game. Expect romance, drama and comedy. It is adult and expect erotic scenes as well as a story. I will try to inject plot hooks as well.\r\n\r\nThe Super Files is where I will decide who is your roomie. You can help by letting me know the building you wish by income. Or you can also leave that to random choice.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-01-20 09:48:51","CreatedDate":"2019-01-20 09:48:51","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"00C68C1A-6831-45B3-A48D-437ADFC0BE42","GameName":"Battlestar Medusa","Background":"The attack was unexpected and as a result the Colonial Fleet was all but destroyed in the opening salvos. But we know of at least two Battlestars that survived, the Pegasus and the Galactica. This is the tale of att least two more. The Gorgon, and older style like the Galactica used as a training ship. With only a few senior officers on board it's made up of mostly cadets.\r\n\r\nAnd the Medusa, a top ofthe line Battlestar. Both will face their share of problems and turmoil. And like the Galactica, they'll have a fleetofcivilian vessels towatch over.Where will they head, how will they deal with the human-cylon models will be up to you.\r\n\r\nAt some point you may meet up with either or both of the other two Battlestars. Only time and fate will tell.\r\n\r\n-----\r\nWe have the Commander and CAG of the Medusa, but any other position is available, including senior staff of the Gorgon","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-01-09 14:34:22","CreatedDate":"2019-01-09 14:34:22","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"D45D87C4-2705-4E15-8F34-5A9498C89A86","GameName":"Bloodstone Lands 3.5 Dnd","Background":" Welcome to Damara, also know as the Bloodstone Lands. This is the territory that you have been in most recently, helping out, and stopping orc raids into towns, and escorting caravans along dangerous routes. \r\n\r\nIn fact, this is how you met Parle Cranewing a scholar with a voracious appetite for all things old and ancient. He has a collection of maps, and sketches of Ruins from all across the realms.As a writer of books for Candlekeep, he has to be as historically accurate as he can manage. However, his writing and research takes up so much of his time, he tends to pay other's to go out and map make for him. \r\n\r\nSo good is his eye that he can take a basic sketch and description and turn it into a master piece, that actually looks like the location. \r\n\r\nThis is where you come in. With the promise of a hefty purse of 150 gps each to go look at the ruins associated with Winterhaven. Also known as the Keep of the Shadowfell. \r\n\r\n\r\n
  • This is a game for 4-6 players\r\n
  • Your level will be 2nd \r\n
  • You have 600 gps \r\n
  • You may use any of the official 3.0-3.5 base books. You may use the Dragon Magazines with page # included so I can look at it. The only setting that I will allow if Forgotten Realms Setting stuff only. \r\n
  • Gods come from the Forgotten Realms, not the players handbook or any other source. \r\n
  • Hit Points: Max at 1-2nd level. Roll for each level their after. \r\n
  • You may choose 1 regional feat & gear from your region. (these are listed in the Forgotten Realms Main Book & other books from the Realms) \r\n
  • Stats will be 5d6 take the best 3 reroll 1's roll 7 times. \r\n
  • No goblinoid races, understand that Damara looks oddly at non-humans. Goblin and Orc races will be discriminated against, and possibly attacked. SAme with Drow. \r\n
  • Evil will only be allowed with a good reason and background. Under no circumstances will I allow Chaotic Evil. \r\n\r\n","Description":"Please Understand I will not accept your RTJ if these are not filled in. \r\n\r\n(1)Race\r\n(2)Align\r\n(3)Gender\r\n(4)Class\r\n(5)Basic Personality.\r\n(6)Basic Appearance \r\n(7) Basic History - (ie why are you adventuring) \r\n(8) How often can you post a day ? \r\n","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-11-10 22:17:30","CreatedDate":"2019-11-10 22:17:30","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"BD9B1CF1-4C8D-4C44-8A2E-A42CF895E368","GameName":"Butcher's Quarantine","Background":"\r\nA blood virus escapes into the world, to highlight a specific blood mutation. A mutation that gives the sender a perfect match to their desire. The virus changes people all around the world. It makes the normal and mundane, into something a bit more noticeable so they can be found. It changes them to become more docile, but the funny thing is, it drains the color of their hair. Leaving them White as snow. Very easy to spot. \r\n\r\nThe bastards who want these people have hidden for centuries among them, always waiting, just waiting to pounce on their prey. They are done waiting, they desire, they need, they want. Now. The Vampires have arisen, and they want blood. By drinking the blood of the one with the mutation only lasts so long though, so they need to gather up as many of these individuals as they can get their hands on. Needing that little extra something to boost who they are so they can become the King or Queen of the bloodsuckers.\r\n\r\nAs the virus swept the world, 13 of the most powerful witches around the world gathered at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. They decided that the life of mortals was too important to allow these creatures to ravage them completely. They circled the Park and made the ultimate sacrifice, a blood sacrifice, to save the ones who came. They made the ground a Sanctuary, where any mortal could cross the boundary, but the enemies could not. As each witch found their death one after one, the land observed their abilities to keep the boundary line intact for the life of the Earth. With the last breath of the last witch, the earth cried out and unleashed the blood wall that would not be seen by anyone other than the vampires, and they would know that they could never cross into Sanctuary. This is the only safe place on earth. Make it here, to call your home, or die at the hands of the vampires.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nCharacter choices: \r\nVampire: Those searching, demanding, devouring. \r\n\r\nWitch: Taken for the blood that gives the gift of magic, the abilities to control the four elements.\r\n\r\nShifter (any type): Consumed for the raw ability to control that certain type of animal and to shift at their will.\r\n\r\nHuman: These are priceless. Their blood so rich and powerful, these cattle, are wanted for the ability to breed and create their own line of vampires.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nCome and join us, for a little blood, death, sex, and anything that feels just right for you..... Who are you searching for?\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe Co and I started this up for a safe place to write with each other. And we mean write. So if you want to join us, please do so. If you just want to read than that's fine too. Remember to be respectful of the others, no GM, and have fun with your character/s.","Description":"\r\n**How old are you? (Have to be at least 18)\r\n\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died?\r\n\r\n\r\n**What is the gender you playing?\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**Write Something please:","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2020-09-26 10:09:49","LastUpdate":"2020-09-26 10:09:49","CreatedDate":"2020-09-26 10:09:49","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"13CE2E11-D32D-4DC1-86DD-B568C8D057D9","GameName":"Car Troubles","Background":"Private game","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2018-09-11 22:35:24","CreatedDate":"2018-09-11 22:35:24","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"B651D474-4D52-4597-8AD6-D194161D056D","GameName":"Contract Slave","Background":"This world is much like our modern one except that Indentured or contract slavery is very legal and common place. \r\n\r\nEach contract has a set end date and restrictions on what can be done to slave that must be a agreed to before anything is signed. These contracts are often used in business, such as agreeing to pay for schooling if someone agrees to work for them for a set period of time or some working similar to having someone on retainer does now. \r\n\r\nHowever for those truly in a bind sometimes the easiest way out of it is to become A sexual slave for a time and it's these kinds of contracts that we'll be looking at.\r\n\r\nAll players and characters must be over 18 and will be someone about to enter one of these contracts either as a slave or master. ","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What is your longest lasting game?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n**Will you be playing a master or slave?\r\n\r\n**Tell me a little about your character:\r\n\r\n**what kinds of things do you enjoy role playing?\r\n\r\n**What kinds of thinks do you strongly dislike role playing and will take you out of the game?\r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2018-02-13 14:19:30","LastUpdate":"2018-02-13 14:20:07","CreatedDate":"2018-02-13 14:20:07","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"686B067D-7E38-41FB-A5BB-420AFBF0547E","GameName":"Curse of Strahd 5th Ed","Background":"\u00e2\u20ac\u2039Ravenloft is a place not of this world or any other. A hidden realm deep within the Ethereal Plane, occasionally extending its misty fingers into other worlds. It exists as a microcosm unto itself and follows its own mystical set of laws. The land is alive. It does not breathe as a creature does, but it responds to the life within it. The land hungers for those whose evil is strong enough to draw its attention.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
  • This is a 5th edition game. \r\n
  • Characters will start at 1st level. \r\n
  • You will all be from the Forgotten Realms. \r\n
  • You may choose one Common Magic Item to start with. \r\n
  • Stats will be 5d6 reroll ones take the best 3 and roll 7 times take the best six and assign to your liking. \r\n
  • Hit Points will be Max for your first 3 levels. You will roll after this. \r\n
  • This game will have a higher posting rate.As most of my players will be posting daily. If you join us, this should be considered. \r\n
  • XP will be rewarded for combat, for interaction, and for good role play. \r\n
  • This game is not good for lone wolves, or characters who do not interact. I expect players to interact with one another. \r\n
  • That said, if you are interested in this game please apply. \r\n
  • No Evil Alignments \r\n\r\n\r\n ","Description":"What is your Timezone ? \r\n\r\nHow Often Can you post ? \r\n\r\nCharacter Race ? \r\n\r\nCharacter Align?\r\n\r\nCharacter Gender ? \r\n\r\nHomeland ? \r\n\r\nClass of Interest ? \r\n\r\nRate the following as things you might be interested in in order of interest please. All will be involved, but I want to know how best to present certain things. \r\n\r\n1. Combat \r\n2. Romance\r\n3. Intrigue\r\n4. Investigation \r\n5. Travel \r\n\r\n\r\n","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-11-10 20:34:53","CreatedDate":"2019-11-10 20:34:53","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"BFAA5520-51CC-4321-9217-CE35354ACC71","GameName":"Curtains of Darkness","Background":"Private game.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2021-07-16 21:11:07","LastUpdate":"2023-02-03 01:46:06","CreatedDate":"2021-06-28 23:06:13","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"662D06D8-6C3F-410B-8298-15EF695C1F79","GameName":"D&D Adventures 5e","Background":"Haven, a bustling city bordering the coast has always been a bastion of trade and commerce. However, after a string of unusual disappearances and strange occurrences that only continue to increase, the city's council has elected that it is time to bring in outside help. A call for adventurers has been sent out, and you've answered the summons.\r\n\r\n================================================\r\n\r\nHello to those who are interested! This will be a 3rd level starting adventure and I'm looking for between 4 to 5 players who want to have fun! Just starting off with a basic bare bones hook with more to come in the future! I also wanted to be transparent and say I am a newer DM to forum based DMing, but I'm excited and motivated for your enjoyment, and if that works for you then I'm happy to have you aboard! Down below I'll put some rules, expectations, and gameplay stuff.\r\n
    • 18+ for Adult Themes
    • \r\n
    • All D&D 5e source books are welcome (besides Unearthed Arcana, of course). So you can be pretty well any race or class provided. No Homebrew, unfortunately.
    • \r\n
    • No Evil alignments, please!
    • \r\n
    • Playing with Feats, so feel free to take one at Level 1.
    • \r\n
    • More details inside about Character Creation. Rolling is fine, but I also use a modified Standard Array if that interests you.
    • \r\n
    • Optional Rules from Tasha's are up for discussion
    • \r\n
    • I'm happy to listen to any tips or suggestions, so feel free to approach me at any time
    • \r\n
    • I have a deeper and longer story than presented, but I do still believe this is a collaborative experience, so backstories are encouraged no matter how long, short, detailed or simple!
    • \r\n
    \r\nIf you have any questions, please feel free to jump on inside and ask! I look forward to getting this started and for us all to have fun!","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\r\n\r\n**What kind of character would you like to play?\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2021-05-29 08:38:10","LastUpdate":"2021-05-29 08:38:10","CreatedDate":"2021-05-29 08:38:10","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"9BC3ED73-625A-4E9B-B2A8-83BF9971BAA9","GameName":"Doom in Channath Vale","Background":"War is gathering in the dry brown hills known as the Wyrmbones Mountains in The Shaar. As midsummer settles over the land, smothering everything in heat and dust, the fierce warriors of the Kulkor Zhul -- \"People of the Dragon\" In the hobgoblin tongue -- gather beneath the dreaded Red Hand Banner, ready to sweep down out of the Wyrmbones and conquer the human lands below.\r\n==================================================\r\nThis game will use the AD&D v3.5 Rules. It will be in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. Characters will begin at Level 6. No Evil Alignments. \r\n==================================================\r\nI'll consider any character, item, feat, etc. You must be able to provide the sourcebook, if its not from the PHB, DMG, Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide, or Forgotten Realms Player's Handbook.\r\n\r\nThis game is essentially the same as another Game I DM entitled Waterdeep and Beyond. \r\n\r\nI recently advertised player slots in Waterdeep and Beyond. I had more people apply than I had slots available. So, I decided I'd start another one, from the beginning, to fill the demand.\r\n\r\nWe are currently accepting RTJs for Players.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died?\r\n\r\n**What is your longest lasting game PBW?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**Are you legally able to view Adult Material where you live?\r\n\r\n**If real life makes posting/playing a problem what would you do?\r\n\r\n**How do you resolve conflicts with the DM or other players?\r\n\r\n**Please provide me an example of your writing/posting ability, using the character concept you'd like to play, in this game","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-07-28 20:40:01","CreatedDate":"2019-07-28 20:40:01","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"747B00B2-D764-46C9-ABA0-BDA09C28224B","GameName":"Dragons and Demons ","Background":"Private game","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2023-02-09 21:54:19","LastUpdate":"2023-02-09 21:54:19","CreatedDate":"2021-06-21 04:35:12","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"11AC8178-0F9F-4B34-893A-DD6E65A5EA77","GameName":"Dragons of Autumn Twilight 3.5","Background":"Welcome, this is a Dragonlance game, put together for people who like to write stories, and tell tales. We are running through the original adventures. Dragons of Autumn Twilight is our current Adventure. \r\n\r\nI encourage you to take on one of the original Inn Fellows, or create one of your own to fill the shoes. \r\n\r\nTanis Half Elven (the leader)\r\nEir'i (the prophet)[takes goldmoon's spot]\r\nRaistlin (the Sage)\r\nCaramon (the Protector)\r\n
    \r\nAvailable\r\nPlease note you do not have to take the character but the original Innfellows are listed in (this). \r\nThe Rogue (tasslehoff burrfoot -kender) \r\nThe Protector (Riverwind -barbarian)\r\nThe Ingenuine (Laurana, Tika)\r\nThe Mentor (Flint Fireforge)\r\nThe Idealist (Sturm Brightblade)\r\n\r\nLevel is 5th. \r\nRaces: Human, Elf, Half Elf,Kender,Dwarf \r\n \r\n\r\n","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-09-11 22:09:59","CreatedDate":"2019-09-11 22:09:59","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"AB85311F-4108-4EB2-807A-EBA8C5B13610","GameName":"Eternal Aeons","Background":"Before the war of Shadow magic was common almost everyone could summon creatures from their own souls that acted as companions. These creatures had many names but the most powerful were the eternal aeons, beings born not from the spirit of a person but from the sprit of the very land itself. However 3000 years ago hellspawn surged out of the Sima blight and nearly whipped the world clean. Much was lost in that great war including the ability to summon but the shadow was finally pushed back. In the years since there has been mostly peace with a hand full in each generation having some magic skill but none with the slightest ability to summon. Then 15 years ago a blue light lit up the night sky around the world and any child that looked upon it soon became able to summon. Those skilled in magic sought out these children and brought them all to the imperial academy to be trained. \r\n\r\nHowever with the return of summoning it seemed that the hellspawn had returned as well and now there are rumors spread like wild fire that the imperial academy has been destroyed and every last person with the ability to summon was killed. Unfortunately this is mostly true but they didn\u2019t get everyone. One teacher and one student escaped and now they have the daunting task of seeking out those that could summon but had not been given training, those that escaped the attack undiscovered in some isolated village. Then to seek out the eternal aeons before the shadow scourges clean all life.\r\n\r\n------------\r\n\r\nnote this game is being placed in the adult section to allow the posabilty of things like profanity, violence and sexual themes. This will not be a dark game or a sex game but may have dark momments and the romantic entaglemnts of characters. \r\n\r\nplayers should be able to post atleast daily and have a high to moderate writing skill. typos and spelling mistakes are okay as long as things still make sense as I know I'm promone to thouse things myself.\r\n\r\nThe game will be free form with no stats or dice rolls and will mostly focouse on cahracter interaction and development with some combat and magic.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2012-01-30 22:54:18","LastUpdate":"2019-02-07 17:04:58","CreatedDate":"2019-02-07 17:04:58","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"DD180352-9B41-4377-8850-7E7F5A3DC3F0","GameName":"Gifted X","Background":"Coming from all walks of life metahumans or those who use gadgets are a way of life in the Southern Cali city of Harmony.\r\n\r\nFor some though the town name is a joke. From those who stand against humanity's acceptance of alien life to those who despise mutants for one reason or another. Some take advantage of this, doing their best to fuel the flames for the almighty dollar.\r\n\r\nIt's when those looking to do criminal activity though and the heroes answerthe call that the citizens are thankful and help affirm why heroes fight. Mostly anyway. Some just see the negatives.\r\n\r\nNestled near the mountains the city is a metropolis with a farming community about twenty some minutes away.\r\n\r\nSo will you use your gifts for good, or do things for your own gain. This is a question only you may answer. \r\n\r\n-----\r\nI will accept characters and races/meta that come from marvel or dc. here you could have Kryptonians and Morlocks. Atlanteans can be two groups one with Namor, one with Aquaman. Or anything in between. Just know you are gifted and truly Xceptional.\r\n\r\nThis is a freeform game.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2018-12-20 12:46:39","CreatedDate":"2018-12-20 12:46:39","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"99223526-E4A6-4920-8D7F-18999F6CA6FA","GameName":"Godswar FR (Pathfinder)","Background":"The One Who Is Hidden will in anger cast the gods down into the Realms. The gods will walk among men, amid chaos of Art and nature, and there will be strife in Faerun.--\r\n The Prophecies of Alaundo, the Seer,\r\n\r\nOne morn, no sunrise comes. There is only darkness, and an icy chill. Dust blows on the wind, which grows quickly to a gale. It is no normal storm, but a howling, lashing battle of winds that come from every\r\nquarter, and crash together, wrestling over the land. Branches, birds, plants and all are whirled helplessly\r\nthrough the air.\r\n\r\nRain begins, and hail, and snow, all falling impossibly together as lightning crashes and tornadoes form and tear over the land. The ground shakes, and rocks are borne aloft to fall as a killing rain out of the darkness. Folk in the open are crushed against rocks or buildings; roofs fall in or are whittled away. Horses are tumbled helplessly along the ground. Trees topple.\r\n\r\nAll day long the fury of the storm rages unabated, until nightfall. Night does fall, this day with a great crash\r\nthat shakes the earth, throwing all creatures helplessly to their knees. There is a sudden silent calm thereafter as, overhead, the stars come out.\r\n
    \r\nGodswar is a game for 5 characters using the Pathfinder System. I will allow magic Items and Spells from 3.5 as well. Here is the main rundown. \r\n\r\n
  • Level 6th \r\n
  • Gold: 16,000\r\n
  • Feats: Feats Granted for Filling in Character Information (avaliable upon acceptance)\r\n
  • Races Anything really strange should be passed by me. I prefer Players Guide and Advanced Races guide. ( I will not allow androids, or noble drow)\r\n
  • Class Limitations: No Alchemist,No Gunslinger, No Summoners. No Mythic. \r\n
  • Hitpoints: Max level 1-3 roll for 4-6\r\n
  • Stats: 5d6 reroll 1's take the best three. Roll 6 times and assign. \r\n
  • Magic Items: Yes you may purchase them.\r\n
  • Can I use Other Books: Yes, you can use 3rd party stuff, I will not allow home brewed though you must have a viable source. \r\n\r\nI allow the use of the Forgotten Realms books for 3.5 and pull much history from them. \r\n\r\n\r\n Feel free to send me mail or ask questions.\r\n\r\n","Description":"====================\r\nAbout The Player \r\n====================\r\n1. How long have you been playing ? \r\n2. What interests you the most in a game ? (Horror/Combat/Interaction/Romance/Puzzles ?)\r\n3. What is your time zone ?\r\n4. How often can you post ?\r\n5. How well do you know the Realms ? \r\n\r\n==================\r\nAbout the Character \r\n===================\r\n1. Full Name\r\n2. Age\r\n3. Gender\r\n4. Alignment (no evil)\r\n5. Class \r\n6. Possible Prestige Class.\r\n7. Deity\r\n8. Race\r\n9. Personality\r\n10.History \r\n11. Why do you adventure ? \r\n12. Who is important to you ? \r\n13. Description (Ht wt, hair color distinguishing features. ) \r\n14. Image.","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-09-06 16:39:07","CreatedDate":"2019-09-06 16:39:07","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"06CF815C-1AE0-4188-9256-BF7EF64B6F92","GameName":"Grainville","Background":"Situated in middle California this coastal town is a top farming community. Course most of the small farmers have sold out to the Lorenzo Farming Conglomerate who promise big things then steal farms out from under families who've own tthe land for generations. The Lorenzos also produce fertilizer as well as other farm supplies at high markups making it hard for other farmers to stand a chance.\r\n\r\nNow is time for the Harvest Festival, which is suppose to produce bountiful crops for the coming year. Though the past few years haven't bode to well as the region has been through a terrible drought. The farmers who are still independent blame it on the Lorenzos.\r\n\r\nSo for those of you looking for a community away from all the big retail chains come on tto Grainville and sit a spell. Here it's not just a community but, a family.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2020-03-06 17:00:56","LastUpdate":"2020-03-06 17:00:56","CreatedDate":"2020-03-06 17:00:56","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"733086AA-862F-4075-A223-5534571D80B4","GameName":"Home world - Gaia","Background":"Private Game","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2023-02-03 01:41:41","LastUpdate":"2023-02-03 01:42:00","CreatedDate":"2021-06-28 22:05:23","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"07F7A0CD-18EF-489B-97E4-0B5E3F6639E5","GameName":"Homecoming","Background":"Private game sorry","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2020-03-08 00:28:52","LastUpdate":"2020-03-08 00:28:52","CreatedDate":"2020-03-08 00:28:52","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"E40C3FCC-8678-444B-B1D8-7E7B53D0717E","GameName":"Into the Unknown","Background":"Into the Unknown will be a mixture of free-form and rolling of the dice game. There will be only 3 classes to the game.\r\nFighter\r\nRougue\r\nCleric\r\n\r\nYour level will be 0 at start of game. You will also be totally naked and shackles on feet and hands and a black hood over your head at start of game.","Description":"There will be only 3 classes to choose from. \r\nFighter rougue cleric\r\n\r\nThis will be a 3.5 version D&D game ONLY! No Exceptions!\r\n\r\nYou will be starting 0 level\r\n3-6 players wanted that can post 2-3 times daily!\r\n\r\nYou must be age 25+ to enter this game! \r\n\r\nIf you can accept the above plz send a RTJ THXS for your time\r\n","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2021-05-08 21:11:12","LastUpdate":"2022-12-14 02:59:29","CreatedDate":"2021-05-08 21:11:12","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"DE59005E-9A2F-44F0-BF4C-3F9BBE95406D","GameName":"Island Madness","Background":"The Kingdom of Saint Vincent has a pirate problem. You have been contacted by the King's Chancellor in a letter requesting your presence at court....","Description":"I prefer that players remain anonymous behind their characters as long as possible. I will know everyone, but no one else will. Please send any message you wish to remain secret from the other players to me via Facebook Messenger. \r\n\r\n**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died?\r\n\r\n**What is your longest lasting game?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2020-03-10 13:32:34","LastUpdate":"2020-03-10 13:32:34","CreatedDate":"2020-03-10 13:32:34","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"E21FA431-68E7-4607-9960-686E2F48B01B","GameName":"Jade Regent Pathfinder 1st","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2020-03-30 20:21:51","LastUpdate":"2020-03-30 20:21:51","CreatedDate":"2020-03-30 20:21:51","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"B9C3F681-76CC-45FE-8851-72BB4E6DC814","GameName":"Just Testing","Background":"Thanks for looking in. Unfortunately, this is just a testing board. I'm using it as a precursor board for a possible game.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-06-30 00:58:58","CreatedDate":"2019-06-30 00:58:58","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"4CEE46A3-D50F-4771-92E2-4110F3352AF8","GameName":"Justifiers","Background":"\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThis is a great game that was originally published in 1989 by StarChilde Publications and written by Gideon. The 2nd Edition was published in 1992, and the modules and supplements shortly thereafter.\r\n\r\nThe game is set in the early years of the 24th Century. The governments of the earth have failed and Corporations have risen to take control of society and it.\r\n\r\nThe scientific breakthrough of TransMatt technology has propelled the Corps into the stars for planetary exploration and exploitation of planetary resources.\r\n\r\nThe Corps have developed genetic technology that allows them to create human/animal hybrids which are called Beta-Humanoid Constructs; Betas for short. Since they are created by the Corps and they are considered property. The Betas are used for planetary exploration and are called Justifiers.\r\n\r\nRecently, the Corps have been forced by social pressure to recognize Betas as citizens. As a compromise, the Corps have created the Buy-Back program. On paper, the Justifiers have the ability to purchase their freedom from their Corp. However, the reality is that most Justifiers die before they are able to save enough to purchase their freedom.\r\n\r\nPsionics and cybernetics are also possible in this setting.\r\n\r\nThe game system that powers this game is a fairly simple skill-based percentile system that also uses D6s for damage, and various other things.\r\n\r\nDue to the hazardous and violent nature of planetary exploration, and the monetary repercussions of insurance, nearly all Justifiers are Betas. Although, Augmented Humans and Heavy-G Humans are available as Player Characters. Augmented Humans are usually survivors of the most recent Inter-Corp War and are unsuitable for normal human society. \r\n\r\n","Description":"OK, I am looking for people who will post consistently and are into the game and their character.\r\n\r\nI have one Golden Rule; Don't be a jerk.\r\n\r\nIf you act like a jerk, then you will be removed from the game.\r\n\r\nDisclaimer: if you leave then game then I will convert your character into a NPC and continue to use it until I decide otherwise. ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2022-01-25 09:27:36","CreatedDate":"2017-10-29 06:54:08","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"F5C2D298-51BD-45E5-9A44-59EB2C3F0767","GameName":"Land of the West","Background":"From all walks of life, different realms exist, different times exist, all merging in one place. When the Gatekeeper suffers a mishap though all is thrown for a loop, and a group of unexpecting travellers are thrown into the past. For some, a different realm to others. The realm of the Old West! Texas in the 1800s actually.\r\n\r\nNow this band of weary travellers must try to fit in as they are now trapped in the land with no way of returning. But they muust be careful. Those from the future if not careful could erase their own existance. But too much caution could be dangerous as this very situation could have led to their family line.\r\n\r\nBut some may come from a race or civilization bent on conquering. These folks could be dangerous and what all came back, maybe packing futuristic hardware.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-05-25 23:19:15","CreatedDate":"2017-05-25 23:19:15","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"13001984-00CA-405B-842F-23516E977EBF","GameName":"Love and Death ","Background":"Lord Tsume Takashi, a vassal of the Doji family, inherited the strategically placed Kyotei Castle through his ruthless father\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s belligerence. One generation ago, the castle belonged to the Damasu family, vassals of the Lion Clan. To shore up the Crane Clan\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s logistical lines to Toshi Ranbo (and to fuel his own ambition) Lord Tsume Retsu besieged the castle, eventually overcoming its defenses and slaughtering every member of the Damasu family. It was all the Crane Clan\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s diplomats could do to prevent the Lion Clan from declaring a blood feud and to assuage the worries of the Phoenix Clan lords, who feared they would be the next targets of Retsu\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s fury. \r\n\r\nBut three years ago, Lord Retsu died mysteriously, leaving his sensitive and aloof son, Takashi, to rule. Now, seeking to secure peace with the neighboring Phoenix Clan\u00e2\u20ac\u201dand protect the valley\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s flank in the process\u00e2\u20ac\u201da match has been struck between Tsume Takashi and Shiba Itsuyo. The bride shall soon travel with her retinue to Kyotei Castle to be wed, and you have been invited as their honored guests. But not all of your fellow wedding guests are in attendance to congratulate the couple\u00e2\u20ac\u00a6\r\n*********************************************\r\n\r\nHello, this is a game set in the L5r universe using the third edition rules. You can play has one of the established characters or create your own if youre familiar with the rules.","Description":"**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**How old are you? Are you comfortable with Adult themes?\r\n\r\nEach of you hails from a different Great Clan, and as such, your lord has their own interests in sending you to Kyotei Castle\u00e2\u20ac\u201dinterests that may might lead you into conflict with those of the other player characters. This means that some PCs might be working against each other by the end of the scenario, but not all players enjoy this level of competitiveness in their RPGs. If anyone isn\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t comfortable with a party conflict game, we\u00e2\u20ac\u2122ll run without party conflict. If everyone chooses to enable party conflict, PCs will be allowed to try to undermine each other directly, fight each other, and might even becoming each other\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s\r\nvillains before the scenario is over. Do you prefer to play cooperative or competitive?\r\n\r\nAre you familiar with the setting? If so what clan do you want to play? If not what kind of playstyle suit you the most?\r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-01-21 14:59:55","CreatedDate":"2019-01-21 14:59:55","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"468452CE-B842-4BB5-8BB9-A43EC9D4FEEA","GameName":"Love&Death Embrace","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-11-25 19:15:06","CreatedDate":"2019-11-25 19:15:06","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"F0A99D3E-AF3B-40CB-BBA5-805028C0065D","GameName":"Mars: Man's Final Frontier","Background":"

    Around the time you were born the race for a feasible plan to colonize another planet was at full bore. NASA had failed to successfully run a biosphere for any length of time but great minds like George Whitesides of Virgin Galactic and Elon Musk of SpaceX were rising to the challenge. Borrowing technology used aboard US nuclear powered submarines, Virgin Galactic and SpaceX combined their powers and bank accounts along with some heavy subsidizing by the United States, Russia, China, and India governments to bridge the last real frontier for human kind. It took approximately 22 years to devise and bring to fruition the plan that finally sent the first Mars colonists. Supplies were sent ahead of time, about 2 years ahead of time and all perishable items like live-stock, plants, and humans were sent on the approximately 8 month journey to the planet. The first few years were difficult and around year 4 there was serious talk of ditching the entire effort and bringing everyone home. Earth wasn't doing too great herself at this point though, and many made the argument that bringing them home offered nothing better than their current struggles anyways. Factories were finally up and running there, processing fuel and adding CO2 to the atmosphere. A proper rotation and irrigation system was now up and running and this year they actual yielded enough crops to feed a little over half their population. Said population had actually grown in the last year from 3215 to 3320 and the heat building from the factories introducing CO2 to the atmosphere was actually melting water on the planet's surface which was being processed for drinking. They were on track to shut down one of their hydro plants within the next 5 years all together. Meanwhile humans on Earth were stuck in a dangerous balance of using water from the sea as drinking water while not ruining currents any more than they already had if the weather got any more extreme they would be driven underground even more than they already were. Mars was on track for a bright future! Expansion was eminent and finally the day arrived to send further colonists to Mars. It took another 5 years after the decision was made to send more people, more than 3 million people applied for passage aboard the Frontier, while only about 5000 seats were available. After the first combs were ran through to collect all the young people with the desired skills, the remaining 2300 seats were left up to a lottery. There is still speculation on this lottery system though as it seemed no one over the age of 45 was ever selected at random from this lottery process. You are one of the lucky ones, whether you were handpicked for your skills and background, or because you simply just got lucky, tomorrow you will be on your way for an 8 month journey through space with about 5000 strangers all bound for a brand new life on mankind's final frontier.

    ","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week (this game requires a 3/week minimum)?\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What kind of character do you plan on playing?\r\n\r\n**Please provide a sample post:\r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2022-05-31 15:18:32","LastUpdate":"2022-05-31 15:18:32","CreatedDate":"2018-06-18 13:17:40","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"89E594BB-B467-4322-9A73-366F610BE62B","GameName":"Monster Lover","Background":"There is a valley known to be home of vicious and cunning man eating monsters. It should be a place that no civilized person should want to go near. However there are numerous small villages and forts on the steps, slopes and mountain passes surrounding that valley because despite the danger it is an easy place to make a good living. The cautious farm the fertile land in the safe areas or run trades and services that the less cautious need. The valley is full of herbs, roots and mushrooms that are either valuable for healing or delicacies that the nobility pay a good price for. short ventures into the valley in groups are usually safe but it is not unheard of for someone to get separated from the group and if they are they are never found. the truly brave...or perhaps insane venture deep into the valley. 1/100 is ever seen again but those that make it back come with bags full of White-Lace herb which is said to be the most powerful healing herb in the world and Indigo Stars a purple stone worth 10x it's weight in gold. Thous that make it out have more money than they could ever spend and get to wear the elk medallion to prove their deed.\r\n\r\nThe only people that come and go from the valley as they please are the old withered sages that are said to abide in a temple that can bee seen through the trees in the middle of the valley. These men and women are great healers and teachers but seeing one come to town can be a bit worrying as they often bring word that some monster has set it's eye on the village and will bring it to ruin if not for some sort of tribute. usually this tribute is an unmarried woman or man and though it is never done lightly it is never refused. \r\n\r\n...\r\n\r\nOf course that's only one side of the story. the monster races are much more civilized than the humans, elves, dwarves and halflings that life around them could ever guess. In fact they would scoff at the idea of eating another intelligent creature and most of those that disappear in the valley are quite alive and content with their new lives. \r\n\r\nThen changelings were the ones that set it all up, sculpting the myth and knowledge of the valley so the monsters could live in peace. The Changelings take on the role of the Sages to make sure things run smoothly and helping out monsters that get smitten with particular individuals that would be too hard to wisk away other wise.\r\n\r\nWell there might be some man eating going on but just not the kind that the villagers all think.\r\n\r\n--------------------\r\n\r\nrules:\r\n\r\nMust be 18+\r\n\r\nMust post 1/day at a minim\r\n\r\nPlayers can be either a monster or non-monster an I'll approve races on a case by case bases. \r\n\r\nGame will be about 50% Smut 50% character stuff.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What is your longest lasting game?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n**Tell me about your character? What race are they what kind of life to they live at the start of the game etc.\r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2019-01-04 22:55:27","LastUpdate":"2019-05-22 08:42:34","CreatedDate":"2019-05-22 08:42:34","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"8A4C6235-6737-40AC-86D8-5B1136952CB4","GameName":"My Heroic SweetHeart (FFRP)","Background":"From the same creator as the BESM board, here is the free-form variant by popular request!\r\n\r\nMy Heroic Sweetheart is a Anime basis of heroes, heroines and normal folk who may or may not end up getting married or already are.\r\n\r\nGame's starting location is USA, 2025\r\n\r\nIdea theme is the loved one at some point discovering their lover or newly wed partner is a super hero/heroine via their own means/accident or them outright revealing it while the heroes in question protect and save the world.\r\n\r\nChose your role: Hero/Heroine or Soon to be Special Interest\r\n\r\nAnime Themes intended: Action, Adventure, Isekai, Bishounen, Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Hentai, Slice of Life, Fantasy, Josei, Magic, Supernatural, Romance, and Sci-Fi","Description":"From the same creator as the BESM edition board, this is the Free-Form.\r\n\r\nPlease give up to 36 hours for acceptance before resending the request to join to prevent spam.\r\n\r\nUnderstand this is a serious game with possible dark themes and other adults only content, your age is required to be of age to join.\r\n\r\nPlease avoid one-liners and generally very short posts when possible.\r\n\r\nNo creating current or future planned Marvel or DC characters. You CAN however create descendants there of, but please ASK ahead of time of who your related to so to avoid a population of one character type.\r\n\r\nRemember there is no rush to get your character sheet fully finalized, take the time to research the ideas and ask questions. Better to have everyone different, than multiple people of the same type.","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2018-11-12 08:10:28","CreatedDate":"2018-11-12 08:10:28","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"B20F4B7F-C5F7-4B67-8527-B9441A5E2651","GameName":"Olympus Has Fallen","Background":"OVERVIEW\r\nSetting: the gods and their children live among us in the current age and time in secret - Think Percy Jackson Movies.\r\n\r\nStory: Hades has found a way to absorb the power of the other gods and has overthrown Zeus. Can a group of demigods unfamiliar with their own power stop him?\r\n\r\nDisclaimer: I am far from an expert at Greek mythology and it has been quite some time since I have seen the Percy Jackson movies. Discrepancies and errors will happen. Please accept this as an apology in advance. If you take issue with what I type then feel free to message me. I will hear you out but I make no promises on changing events already written.\r\n\r\nAdult Natured: This game is in the adult section for a reason. Sex, and nudity is not the primary focus of this game but they are allowed and encouraged. As such, by sending a request to join, you consent that you are of legal age to view/read adult material in your area.\r\n\r\nINTRO TO GAME\r\nYou watch as a man strolls down a hallway of white marble. A hallway that seems to glow with sunlight. At the end of the hall is an elaborate set of doors large enough to drive a car through each side. The man has a dark crown on his head, a crown of fire and obsidian. The dark figure strolls confidently threw the doors and walks to the center of a large ornate room; A gathering hall luxurious enough to make any king proud.\r\n\r\nDozens of figures congregate about the room but none that come into focus enough to see. Sitting on an elaborate throne seemingly carved from the sun itself, directly ahead, is an elderly man. The man barely reacts as he greets his newest guest \"Hades, what an unexpected surprise. Finally found time to leave your torturing behind and join us for an evening?\" Something in the tone of the voice makes it clear that the comment is more than playful jesting.\r\n\r\nThe crown of the man identified as Hades flares brighter as he snarls \"No brother. I have come to take your throne before all those present. You will kneel before me as I take what is rightfully mine.\"\r\n\r\nThe elderly man just gestures absently and says \"You have such a poor sense of humor...\" The rest of his words are cut off as he dives aside with inhuman speed, avoiding the dark bolt of energy that rips through the sun throne. His face has grown serious as he pulls a lightning bolt from his side and raises it \"That was a mistake brother. Now you will suffer my wrath. as the bolt of lightning speeds through the air Hades steps forward and vanishes, appearing behind Zeus, and launches a volley of dark missiles. Zeus reacts instantly, turning to face the volley and deflecting them with a new lightning bolt. He then chides \"You never were strong enough little brother. Return to your hole and perhaps I'll forget about this.\"\r\n\r\nHades's shoulders slump and the fire in his crown calms to embers as he wrestles for control of his own anger. \"Perhaps you are right.\" His head lowers as he cautiously approaches the elder god. \"I tire of my role in the underworld. I just wanted to leave it for a time. I will take my leave brother...\" Hades stops when he is just a few feet away from Zeus. His head rises and Zeus instantly goes on alert when he seems the look in Hades eyes and the sudden flare of fire in the crown \"...after I have killed you!\"\r\n\r\nHades sends forth a wave of dark energy that absorbs and drowns the light in the room. The fear and anger emanate off of it. The power of that wave pulses out. Zeus stands against the wave but it takes all his might just to hold his ground. The worry and fear slowly increase on his face as the power keeps pressing in on him. The ground and walls around Zeus begin disintegrating under the power. Zeus's shirt and pants rip and splinter as the energy begins to overpower him. Hades's voice rises over the sound of Zeus's defenses breaking \"Oh how I have waited to wipe that smug smile from your face. To make the high and mighty Zeus truly feel his fear. NOW DIE BROTHER!!!\"\r\n\r\nImpossibly the energy increases in intensity further. The ground around Hades begins to crumble and Zeus is quickly overpowered. The energy slams into the elder god and send him slamming into the far wall, cracking it in half as it crumbles around him. Hades strolls over and drags Zeus out by the scruff of his neck. The elder god is broken and battered. Cuts and burns adorn his body and he barely has the strength to draw breath. Hades faces the horrified expressions that the onlookers are giving him \"All ye here bear witness and know that Olympus has fallen.\" Hades then forces Zeus's head back and stares into the eyes of his brother. A dark energy links the two and Zeus begins to scream as his essence is drained away and absorbed by Hades.\r\n\r\nThe scene abruptly ends there, startling you awake or out of whatever activity you were engaged in. The scene was far more clear than any dream. More real than any nightmare. Even with it gone you can steel feel Zeus's fear as if it were your own. You can still feel the incredible power that was displayed. As the hours draw on the impression lessens but the memory stays in disturbingly accurate details.\r\nNothing else out of the ordinary happens to you, as if you really need more. However, three days later, the vision is still clear in your mind when you find a small glowing circle of light at some point in your day. Even if you ignore it it seems to follow you, randomly showing up around you. Sometimes is is close, like on your desk in front of you, sometimes it is in the distance, on a billboard or the building across the street. Every time it appears you feel an urge to touch it and see what happens. How long can you resist that urge?\r\n","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-10-05 09:14:43","CreatedDate":"2017-10-05 09:14:43","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"08D2287C-005C-4293-891C-17E2630DB4B4","GameName":"Orgasmia forbidden desires","Background":"Welcome to a world of erotica nonsense, a deviant country full of tongue in cheek, pervertedly corrupted magic spells. A land teeming with utterly disgusting sexually deviant monsters. That cries out for scantily clad hero\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s, to come save it! You, as those heroes, battle your way across Orgasmia, a land under siege by the Goody two shoes legions. These forces of Morality and Censorship have darkened the peaceful doorstep of this lusty land called Orgasmia, with a devilish crusade of prudish, politically correct ball busting! A land already dealing with demonic infestation! Orgasmia Goddess of pleasure calls out for sexy defenders to lead her rebellion, to join her fight against these fiendish forces and the Goody two shoes legions! Step back with her now to the time of high erotica adventure, as you get ready to battle your way through endless sex crazed monsters, prudish purveyors of political correctness and devilishly crafted shadowy sex dungeons. You as the hero, seek to defeat the forces of good (Err) evil, yes evil no one saw anything. So slip into that sexy armor, and pick up that BDSM weapon, now you are prepared to battle your way through a tawdry little tale of twisted tongue in cheek humor. A rollicking naughty romp, through a sexually deviant, politically incorrect, little fantasy roleplaying world I concocted. Can you hear the call to high erotica adventure? If so, Orgasmia has been waiting for you, come join the fun!\r\n","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2020-09-24 23:27:33","LastUpdate":"2020-09-24 23:27:33","CreatedDate":"2020-09-24 23:27:33","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"3B99E44E-05A0-437B-96E8-5FCE2202A9C7","GameName":"Out Of The Abyss ","Background":"\r\n


    \r\n\r\nDeep beneath the surface of the world lies the Underdark ,a realm of endless labyrinthine tunnels and caverns where the sun never shines. The Underdark is filled with races and creatures too numerous to count or list, and foremost among these are the dark-elves-the drow. Hated and feared even by their fellow dwellers in the darkness, the drow raid other settlements in the Underdark as well as the surface world, taking prisoners back with them. Rendered unconscious with drow poison, than collard and shackled, these prisoners are eventually sold as slaves or entertainment in the dark elves' subterranean cities. \r\n\r\n

    Prisoners of the Drow

    \r\nYou have fallen prey to this.\r\n\r\nThe misfortune of falling to such a fate you are prisoners of the drow slaver Ilvara. Maybe you went looking into the Underdark, maybe you were a hapless soul asleep in a raided village. What ever the case when you awaken you are stripped down to your small clothes and little else. While you might be disoriented to what happened or where you are, you know one thing for certain--You have to escape.\r\n\r\n
    \r\n\r\n","Description":"Welcome to my game, the thing you need to know. \r\n\r\nRace: Character Race\r\nAlignment: Character Alignment \r\nGender: Here\r\nDescription: \r\nBrief here \r\nWhere Were You When The Drow Caught You ? \r\nAnswer here. \r\nPersonality Trait \r\nHere\r\n\r\nIdeals \r\nHere\r\n\r\nBonds\r\nHere\r\n\r\nFlaws \r\nHere\r\n\r\nHow Often Do You Post ? \r\nHere.","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-10-13 17:44:15","CreatedDate":"2019-10-13 17:44:15","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"A5C5EAD3-64E2-4A74-9453-ED9D92F84CCF","GameName":"Paradise Grove","Background":" Almost paradise \r\n\r\nThe opening notes of the ballad play over the radio as you near this West Coast town located near the Bay Area of California. A peaceful community that sees it's fair share of tourists every year.\r\n\r\nLately though a war has began to erupt in the heated Mayorial race where a family feud takes place. On one side is Alex Lorenzo the proud patriarch of the Lorenzo dynasty. The opposition, the one woman who knows him best. His ex-wife Amanda. Throughout the community supporters for both truly fear summers end as it nears election time. They areconfident though that here their vote counts and no one suspects the russians to decide the outcome.\r\n\r\nAt least the battle hasn't stop the tourists coming in. With the tourists though some faces emerge. Some new,some of those who haven't been seen in a long while.\r\n\r\nWelcome to Paradise Grove. Come for the atmosphere. Stay cause you truly have found Paradise.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-10-11 17:07:15","CreatedDate":"2019-10-11 17:07:15","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"1C61305E-1FD5-4FDA-82FF-49AF2BFBE2B5","GameName":"Paradise Sundered","Background":"Port Sierra, capital of an island in the Caribbean. Home to a couple of corporations who have their headquarters here (for tax purposes). The island\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s airport is here, which sees a lot of people coming here for a sunkissed holiday on the idyllic white sands and the crystal clear azure waters which is perfect for snorkeling and water-skiing or just sunbathing.\r\n\r\nThe historic port is still functioning today, although the really old port is now a marina, a working dockyard has been built a little further along the coast which can handle modern shipping.\r\nThe vibrant city is getting prepared for the forthcoming carnival - a week long event of partying, drinking and dancing.\r\n\r\n\r\nWhat adventures await you on this piece of paradise?\r\n\r\n\r\nThere will be an overarching plot happening but your character can follow their own path if you like and at your own pace. I am fine if people want to meet up too and have shared storyline. \r\n\r\nThe premise is that your character is on the island for whatever reason, having a great time before stuff happens... :) \r\n","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2021-06-21 08:38:09","LastUpdate":"2021-06-21 08:38:09","CreatedDate":"2021-06-21 08:38:09","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"008D9A6C-81EF-4090-92A0-E7E6EB83F40E","GameName":"PATHFINDER SAVAGE SEA","Background":"Pull up a stool and rest yer bones, this be a tale of the Scarlet Hawk. A tale of brave\r\npirates who put a finger in the eye of the empire, plunder the sea with steel in their \r\nhands and spells on their lips. A tale wrought with blood, sweat, and dark dealings \r\nUntold.\r\n\r\nHave another ale, I hear tell that after all these long years, a captain has finally been \r\nfound who can break the seal, Old Gavin Trueblade put on her. The Hawk is looking \r\nto set sail once again, I hear tell them there Empire goons are on the crusade again, \r\nfigure it\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s about time the Scarlet Hawks legend returned to run them out of these here \r\nseas. What say you youngun, you think you got fire in yer gizzard enough to stand on \r\nthe deck and watch the blood run in the gunnels?\r\n\r\nLooking for 4 to 6 players, Characters will be required to have the profession Sailor.\r\nThis is a homebrew world of scattered islands and several small continents. Due to\r\nthe nature of the game it will be 18+\r\n","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2020-07-01 07:28:10","CreatedDate":"2020-07-01 07:28:10","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"CE95083C-640B-425B-9346-36980F25F396","GameName":"Phoenix ","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2021-06-24 10:25:17","LastUpdate":"2023-02-03 00:15:11","CreatedDate":"2021-06-24 10:25:17","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"DBEEDC65-366A-48B2-840C-EA16619A3779","GameName":"Private Dick","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.\r\nWell not true. This is a Private game.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**Are you considered an Adult in the country you live in?\r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2021-12-03 18:02:34","LastUpdate":"2021-12-03 18:02:34","CreatedDate":"2021-07-01 06:28:54","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"1238C3FE-8F43-457A-A28C-A847824865F7","GameName":"Redemption","Background":"Located in Southern Cali is the town of Redemption. Many often wonder how the name came to be. The truth most likely would shock them. Since its founding folks looking for a second chance have came to Redemption. From a outlaw, looking for a new life, to aprostitute turned school marm.\r\n\r\nIn today's world, the town has grown, but still folks come here looking for a second or perhaps third chance. Whether it be a divorcee looking for a new chance at love, to a ex-con wanting to go straight Redemption has it all.\r\n\r\n-----\r\nI welcome all, the examples are just that. What I really like is the writing. Great stories, why we're here right?\r\n\r\nThe game will include erotic scenes, so expect this, and can contain violent scenes(modern or flashback scenes).","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died?\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**Character idea?\r\n\r\nWriting Sample:(two paragraphs minimum please.)\r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2018-10-21 21:02:46","CreatedDate":"2018-10-21 21:02:46","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"DA0DB9DA-2122-4658-AB16-5A7FD1085114","GameName":"Returning Souls","Background":"Follow up game to Eternal Aeons which has now finished.","Description":"hello Paula","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2012-09-29 23:51:45","LastUpdate":"2019-02-07 17:12:38","CreatedDate":"2019-02-07 17:12:38","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"28A33716-69FE-494D-AFFF-999C7A1FF43F","GameName":"Riders On The Storm-pathfinder","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-09-24 02:11:16","CreatedDate":"2019-09-24 02:11:16","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"9265EB40-02F9-4036-A4F7-08668E8476FF","GameName":"San Dorado","Background":"Howdy pardner, weelcome to San Dorado.\r\n\r\nAbout 50 odd miles west of Dodge City lies the growing settlement of San Dorado. Founded ten or so years back, folks thought they struck gold, instead it was the Fool's variety. That ain't saying there isn't gold in those dar hills, just no one has searched for it.\r\n\r\nThe stage comes through the reason and the train is just a ride to the next town yonder. San Dorado has a variety of things for folks, from a restaurant, general store and bank, to a saloon complete with Ladies of the night. A sheriff's office keeps the peace with occasional help from the Marshall's. A army garrison is only an hour away.\r\n\r\nThe region is good for ranching and growing crops if you got a mind for it. And there are plenty of game in the area for hunters and trappers.\r\n\r\nSadly, for all the good things the town is plagued by a gang of outlaws that are camped in the area, as well as an occassional native uprising.\r\n\r\nStill if you want to call a place home, San Dorado is decent enough. There is still plenty of land to claim. So why don't ya come on in and see how it fits ya.\r\n\r\n------\r\nLooking for any type of western character you can think of. There is also a courier service, muchnlike the pony express.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-05-17 12:17:24","CreatedDate":"2019-05-17 12:17:24","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"C81B57A7-AA59-4BE3-AA83-780C85609B99","GameName":"Shadowdale","Background":"War rages across Cormanthor and the Dalelands. The black-clad legions of Zhentil Keep and the drow of the Elven Court are locked in a fierce war against the refounded elf realm of Myth Drannor and its allies in the dales. As elves, drow, and humans skirmish in the wide woodlands of the Elven Court, Zhent forces also assail the western forest. A powerful army led by Scyllua Darkhope, High Captain of Zhentil Keep, occupies the western dales. Shadowdale, for so long a bastion against Zhentish ambitions, now groans under the yoke of the conqueror. \r\n\r\nShadowdale's traditional defenders are scattered to the four winds. Storm Silverhand, Dove Falconhand, Scothgar \"Scotti\" Amcathra, and the rest of the Knights of Myth Drannor fight alongside the warriors of Ilsevele Miritar in the fierce battles far to the east. Mourngrym Amcathra, Lord of the Dale, occupies the Twisted Tower, seemingly unconcerned with Shadowdale's new \"defenders.\" And Elminster, the Sage of Shadowdale, is missing, his tower in ruins. New heroes must step forward if Shadowdale is to be free again. \r\n\r\n
    \r\n\r\nThis game is set in the Forgotten Realms, using the 3.5 ruleset. \r\n\r\nPlayer Characters will start at 9th level.\r\n\r\nNo drow or half-drow characters.\r\n\r\nNo psionics.\r\n\r\nNo evil alignments.","Description":"**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n**What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? \r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-09-10 10:19:20","CreatedDate":"2017-09-10 10:19:20","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"E28FFD07-7EA8-4545-934F-FF111C07DA51","GameName":"Slave Auction","Background":"You are a wealthy person able to buy anything they want in life. You're happy and successful; but something seems to be missing. Something you cannot figure out what is...then you find a friend hand you a small business card. It is a black card with bold white letters reading: Billing's Auctions. Below was a phone number. You are told to contact when you are alone. When you call, you hear an automated message:\r\n\r\nYou have reached Billing's Auction House...if you are calling then you must have received a card from a single member of our group. This also means that you are able to afford the best in life, even another person. If you find that you are missing something in your life, possibly someone, perhaps feeling as if your tastes in the sex of your interest may possibly be strange or more exotica. If this is such, then you have called the right place. Our auctions are from Thursday evening at 5:00 until Sunday evening at 10:00. They are live auctions and you must present your card at the door and register. We welcome you and look foreword to your attendance...\r\n\r\n\r\nYou live your life and somehow wake in a room you have never seen and feel dizzy and disoriented. You don't know where you are or what happened. You feel as if you have been drugged, which you learn is true. You have been kidnapped and are now being help in a house to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What is your longest lasting game?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n**What role do you wish to play?\r\n\r\n**PLEASE MAKE SURE TO FILL OUT YOUR CHARACTER SHEET, A BACKGROUND TO YOUR CHARACTER, AND A PICTURE IS NEEDED.\r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2020-09-23 23:48:27","LastUpdate":"2020-09-23 23:48:27","CreatedDate":"2020-09-23 23:48:27","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"79869041-ED53-4244-90F3-069F72AA2CAA","GameName":"Storm King's Thunder 5th ed.","Background":"\r\nAges ago giants and dragons waged war across the Savage Frontier. These battles are long forgotten by the human civilizations of today, but ancient relics remain. And now the land shudders once more with the thunder of giant footsteps. \r\n\r\nHill giants raid farms for food and livestock, as stone giants lay waste to settlements in their path. Frost giants plunder coastal town, as fire giants gather slaves. Cloud fiants castles drift across the sky, casting ominous shadows on the cities of the North. But no threat compares to the wrath of the storm giants, who stand betrayed. \r\n\r\nAdventurers must rise up to this challenge. The north has been brutalized by these giants, and it will take a sturdy hand and compassionate heart and stout will to stop that which is occurring. \r\n\r\nThese adventurers are you, welcome to the Savage Frontier, make sure you dress warmly.\r\n\r\n\r\n
  • Level: 2nd \r\n
  • 5d6 reroll 1's take the best 3. roll seven times take the best 6. \r\n
  • Alignments: No Evil \r\n
  • Races: Take into account you will be in the North. \r\n
  • Classes: All offical 5th edition books allowed. If its something from Eberron or Ravnica check with me first! \r\n
  • Posting Daily\r\n
  • You may have 3 Common Items to begin play with. \r\n
  • +100 Gold to starting wealth. (as you are 2nd level. \r\n
  • Look to find magic and gold quicker. \r\n
  • You must buy tool kits through play. \r\n
  • All characters must venerate a deity.\r\n
  • Concepts that do not work with a party will be passed upon. This is a group thing, with deadly encounters dealing with Giants, party unity is a must. \r\n\r\n\r\n","Description":"[How long have you been role playing ?]\r\nAnswer\r\n\r\n[What are you looking for in an adventure ?]\r\nAnswer\r\n\r\n[How often can you post ?]\r\nAnswer\r\n\r\n[Character Name]\r\nHere\r\n\r\n[Character Age]\r\nHere\r\n\r\n[Character Gender]\r\nHere\r\n\r\n[Character Align]\r\nHere\r\n\r\n[Character Picture]\r\nHere\r\n\r\n[Character Class]\r\nHere.\r\n\r\n[Character Personality]\r\nHere\r\n\r\n[Character Background]\r\nHere. ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-08-24 08:31:19","CreatedDate":"2019-08-24 08:31:19","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"03ED649E-0582-4850-86D4-DE34E595E357","GameName":"Succubus' Pet","Background":"Sorry private game","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2018-12-16 23:59:14","LastUpdate":"2018-12-16 23:59:14","CreatedDate":"2018-12-16 23:59:14","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"925BA256-071C-4789-B5C4-DB0B76967049","GameName":"Sultry Times","Background":"There are those out there who don't like to talk about the industry. Those who bad mouth it and call it trash, while in private enjoy it like most do.\r\n\r\nThere are those who come to film cities to make it big. Some succeed others turn to the other film industry. Some come to it, when the legit side says they're washed up.\r\n\r\nWelcome to that industry. You are adult entertainers. Either signed to the big studio, or making web cam work. Perhaps psing for magazines.\r\n\r\nWelcome to those sultry nights.\r\n\r\n-----\r\nFor character name, pick either their real name or their stage name.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died?\r\n\r\n**What is your longest lasting game?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n**Writing sample:please include a 2-3 paragraph writing example\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2018-12-13 20:08:49","CreatedDate":"2018-12-13 20:08:49","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"95D0A735-9947-4E33-B792-7308BCD33845","GameName":"Synergy II","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2020-04-04 18:28:36","LastUpdate":"2020-04-04 18:28:36","CreatedDate":"2020-04-04 18:28:36","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"F91B60E0-5B53-49CC-918E-B1BCD5EE80D9","GameName":"The Broken Songbird","Background":"We apologize but this is a private game. Thank you for your interest.","Description":"","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2013-05-01 22:11:31","LastUpdate":"2019-02-07 17:07:31","CreatedDate":"2019-02-07 17:07:31","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"FB4F8139-3768-4D95-B034-EED6A62860DD","GameName":"The Coffee Pot","Background":"Thanks for looking but this is a private game, sorry. ","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2021-07-13 22:09:42","LastUpdate":"2021-06-25 22:24:20","CreatedDate":"2021-06-25 22:24:20","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"93B7580A-63FF-45A5-9F15-D5C5445AB448","GameName":"The Eloquent Coterie","Background":"

    Private Game.

    ","Description":"\r\nJust tell me about yourself, or write something interesting. Whatever. I just want to see how adroit you are at writing.","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2024-09-19 23:16:52","LastUpdate":"2024-09-20 09:53:54","CreatedDate":"2021-07-03 10:31:57","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"85955645-D5CB-458D-AA55-AC9067EDAC35","GameName":"The Lost City","Background":"This is a private game. Please don't send a request unless invited.\r\n\r\nThe world has many secrets that to this day remain unexplored and unknown. One such secret is the City of Terrinoth, a true wonder where the magic of the old arts are still practiced. \r\n\r\nTerrinoth is located in a huge arrowhead-shaped cavern located deep beneath the core of Erebus, an active volcano in the Antarctica. The cavern itself is some five miles wide and roughly five thousand feet high with stalactites, stalagmites, and columns littering the cavern. Some of the larger stalagmites have been converted to castles and homes for the noble Houses. The city itsel is primarily carved from calcite and obsidian. Thousands of motes of blue, green, and violet faerie fire light the cavern and provide a contrast to the crimson rivrs of lava that flow through it. Buildings themselves are often covered with the city's main motif: the ram, in honor of the throne. The cavern roof of Terrinoth is covered in a myriad of paths that can be more confusing to navigate than a city alley system. Due to the fixed five mile radius homes are typically built over one another creating a tower effect. Bridges and pulleys are used to connect them in a web of patterns that form the cities streets. A myriad of mystical enchantments were used in fortifying the city to strengthen the walls, ceiling, and walkways - making them far stronger than steel and highly resiliant to the heat of the cavern.\r\n\r\nThe city has around a hundred gates, all guarded. These gates lead into the myriad of tunnels that surround the city called the icelands. Not far past the gates of Terrinoth you can see a naturally formed steam wall that marks the sub-arctic temperature drop to the frozen conditions one would expect on Antarctica. Food is limited and must be soulcast from rock to support the half a million residents of Terrinoth. The inhospitable conditions of Terrinoth coupled with the look gave it the nickname of Hell on Earth.\r\n\r\nBetrayal and assassination are a way of life here, so long as you are not caught. Slavery is legal and socially favored in Terrinoth, and it permeates every district of the city. The variety of slaves is astonishing indeed. While it is illegal to enslave any member of a noble house indentured servitude is practiced with gleeful malice. Terrinoth's laws are well designed to support the weeding out of the lesser houses. It is illegal to openly move against another house in open combat or war. \r\n\r\nTheir merchant system, however, is the best in the world. Terrintoth enjoys its remote and secretive nature, but thier mystic arts allows them to easily travel and incorporate themselves in the world market as well as the black maarket. While the city trades in nearly any goods they produce and export some of the finest poisons, mushrooms, and wine that the world has seen.\r\n\r\nThe harsh conditions encourage only the strong to survive and only the strongest of the strong rule. This has led to the creation of the orders, a five tier system which ranks the houses by strength. The strongest house, Alpha rank, rules the city being supported and driven by the next 14 strongest houses. Currently the Tael family and the Surreal Family hold the Beta rank and the title of the second strongest families in all of Terrinoth. To advance one simply has to prove they are stronger than those of the next higher rank. Recently, the leader of the Darshevian household, the current Alpha family, has fallen ill with sickness and age. This causes a ripe opportunity for advancement....","Description":"Please Don't submit this unless your invited into the game. If you have been, just tell me who you are.","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2018-04-19 19:27:51","CreatedDate":"2018-04-19 19:27:51","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"76AF97FD-DA72-4DCD-A2B4-4C33D16D4BAA","GameName":"The Suburbs","Background":"Life seems so peaceful as you leave the hustle & bustle of the city and head into the suburbs. Here moms go about their day making sure their kids are taken care of while going about the day to day.\r\n\r\nBut life isn't always what it seems. Some of these ladies are ffed up with the normal vanilla life they've been leading. Some have kids who have kids who are fully grown and now just hope for someone to notice them. Another wants to give her spouse the fantasy he wants in an efffort to save their marriage.Another is happily married but noow her boss wants more and though resistant in truth she truly desires this life.\r\n\r\nThese stories and more are waiting to be explored. Perhaps it's a stay at home dad. Or maybe a woman who uses her house as a house of pleasure while the other members are away. But what would happen if her daughter in college comes home? To know, you'll just have to come in and see what's behind that velvet curtain. Trust me, I don't bite. Much. ","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-11-26 23:58:30","CreatedDate":"2017-11-26 23:58:30","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"6656E939-250A-4C63-B337-64F5D990A379","GameName":"Towers of Legend","Background":"There is a place that exists in time and space that is called only the Tower. Its stands at the crossroads of all realities, existing bother everywhere and nowhere at the same time. From here a race known as the Immortals rule from the shadows, shaping reality to serve their needs.\r\n\r\nA group known as the League of Abadian serve them Immortals, acting as their agents in the worlds bordering the tower. The agents gather information, and people to serve the cause of their masters.\r\n\r\nIn an ever changing reality.. only the strong will survive.\r\n\r\n********************************************\r\nThis is an adult themed game, set in a world mixed with magic and technology, and can span past, present and future.\r\n\r\nBecause this is an adult game, there will be a mix of sex and violence.. so no one under 18 will be accepted.\r\n\r\n*********************************************\r\n\r\nCharacters are assumed to serve the League in some form, either active agent, or servant to one of the Immortals.\r\n\r\nActive agents specialize in either a magical, or a technological based world view.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n ","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week?\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died?\r\n\r\n**What is your longest lasting game?\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n**What type of character do you wish to play? Agent of the League or Servant of the Immortals?\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-07-16 19:33:20","CreatedDate":"2017-07-16 19:33:20","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"7B4DDAA0-DAE1-47AD-B85A-F65C1CC2F868","GameName":"Travesias por Rea (3.5)","Background":"Viaja por un mundo nuevo co criaturas totalmente nuevas y una serie de intriga y aventuras que ofrecera un concepto nuevo a este mundo de maravillas-\r\n----------------------------------------------------\r\nen este juego usaremos lo relacionado a el sistema de 3.5 con un poco de contenido adulto e invencion propia aportadas por mi parte si eres menor de edad o no posees una mente abierta a idiologias cultura u otra forma te pido que no trates de entrar.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-10-15 18:32:57","CreatedDate":"2017-10-15 18:32:57","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"17EF4B65-9AAF-4952-B20C-C448AE167556","GameName":"Veni, Lusi, Vici","Background":"This is an Advanced Dungeon & Dragons game utilizing a slightly simplified verion of the second edition rules. \r\n\r\nCharacters will begin at 1st level. I expect that the advancement will be on the slower side, with more character driven play, but that is also dependent on what the players choose to do. I would like your characters to have agency and goals of their own. This game is in the adult section to allow for adult situations and language, if needed, although I do not expect that to be a significant part of play.\r\n\r\nThe setting is the world of Mystara, specifically, the Grand Duchy of Karameikos. If you have a good knowledge of the setting and a strong desire to do so, then your character may originally be from another country on a case by case basis, but must have a background reason for having come to Karameikos.\r\nThe game website link gives a short background on Karameikos. Reading that will give you more than you would need to know about the setting of the game. So please check it for more information about the setting if you are new to the setting!\r\n\r\nThank you for your interest!\r\n\r\n--\r\nI will be using the second edition rules, but if you do not have those, there is a retroclone of the game called For Gold & Glory available as a free download: \r\n\r\nhttp://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/156530/For-Gold--Glory?term=For+Gold+%26\r\n\r\nIf you are familiar with other editions, the learning curve is not particularly high, so please do not be put off by the version. Focus instead on what you character chooses to do. ^_^\r\n","Description":"**If you rated them as a percentage, what would your roleplaying to hack-n-slash to puzzle solving ratio be? For me, it would be 75% roleplaying, 20% hack-n-slash, and 5% puzzle solving, although running a game, there would be more puzzles since I do not have to solve them. ^_^\r\n\r\n\r\n**How many times can you post per week? \r\n\r\n\r\n**How often would you like to see Admin updates? Would you prefer a set schedule or something more laissez-faire? I was considering updates once or twice a week.\r\n\r\n\r\n**What would you do if your character died? It is very likely to happen, I am sorry to say.\r\n\r\n\r\n**How long have you been roleplaying?\r\n\r\n\r\n**What is your gender?\r\n\r\n\r\n**How old are you?\r\n\r\n\r\n**What country do you live in?\r\n\r\n\r\n**Do you play well with others? Character conflicts are fine to an extent, but I would rather avoid player conflicts.\r\n\r\n\r\n**Additional comments: \r\nThank you for your interest!\r\nPlease let me know if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions.\r\n\r\n","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2021-06-21 05:12:18","LastUpdate":"2021-06-21 05:12:18","CreatedDate":"2021-06-21 05:12:18","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"80E40D80-3C92-48AA-964F-E036A963B8A7","GameName":"Walking Dead","Background":"Free form game based on \"The Walking Dead\" Series.\r\n\r\n","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-11-25 19:09:41","CreatedDate":"2019-11-25 19:09:41","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"89E7B4F5-E353-40D0-AC5A-F5D231A54C55","GameName":"Waterdeep & Beyond","Background":"We will be using AD&D 3.5 rules.\r\n\r\nJust after dawn, on the last day of Elient in the Year of Risen Elfkin (1375 DR) a long rolling earthquake shakes Waterdeep, The City of Splendors. Cracks appear in the walls and rattles crockery, but no buildings collapse.\r\n\r\nUproar ensues. Earthquakes are almost unheard of in the city. Rumors of disaster soon raced though the streets, fueled by the anguish of people across the city whose heads filled with sharp, sudden mental visions of a screaming bearded man whose eyes blaze with rage, sorrow, and swimming stars.\r\n\r\nThe visions shifted into scenes of pillars cracking and tumbling, ceilings collapsing in caverns and dark rooms and surging explosions of blue-white sparks. These tides of fearsome force leave many who receive the visions gasping on their knees, unharmed but overwhelmed by the sensations of great magical forces crashing through them.\r\n\r\nA few wizards across the who shared the disturbing visions recognize the screaming face as that of Halaster Blackcloak, the infamous \"Mad Mage of Undermountain.\" Those who experienced these dreams cannot stop thinking of Undermountain, of walking though its chambers, of finding brightly glowing treasures.\r\n\r\nThe next day adventures, wizards and many sorcerers throughout the Realms packed and began trekking to Waterdeep and Undermountain below.\r\n\r\nNeedless to say, the Watchful Order of Magists & Protectors, Waterdeep's Arcane Guild are very concerned. They have posted a call for a hardy adventuring group to find out exactly what has happened, and equally important, if Halaster still lives to oversee the depths below their beloved, splendid city.\r\n\r\nDo you have what it takes to answer the call and see this quest through to its end? \r\n==================================================\r\nWe are only accepting Lurkers. All our player spots filled up again.","Description":"We are only accepting Lurkers. All our player spots filled up again.\r\n\r\nLurkers need only answer the 1st RTJ question.\r\n\r\nThis is not a rapid paced game. If your looking for a good game albeit, a slower one with solid players, please fill out this RTJ and submit it. \r\n\r\nAre you a legal adult and legally able to access adult material where you reside?\r\n\r\nHow long have you been role-playing?\r\n\r\nPlease provide a sample post, for the Character you are thinking about playing.\r\n\r\n\r\n","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":1,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-08-27 02:20:59","CreatedDate":"2019-08-27 02:20:59","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"E0F8E7F2-BD08-4027-AEE8-3D39351C62EA","GameName":"Welcome to Los Santos","Background":"Welcome to Los Santos, San Andreas the bustling city set in the world of Grand Theft Auto.\r\n\r\nAnd so is this game. In this game you can experience the lives of folks living in this universe/ For now I include Los Santos, in future if game is a success we can see San Fiero, Las Venturas, Liberty City and even Vice City added. \r\n\r\nSo do you want to play a actress or someone looking for glory on Fame or Shame. Perhaps you live out in Sandy Shores as either a Meth dealer/user or just a hillbilly. Perhaps you are in witsec after turning on your allies out in Paleto Bay. Or a hundred of other ideas. Maybe you just work at the Vanilla Unicorn or elsewhere. \r\n\r\n======================\r\n\r\nThis game comes from all the mod type stuff you can do on GTA these days. So thought might be fun to include the universe as a adult rpg. If successful enough I could add a Red Dead Redemption one as well.\r\n\r\nI hope to see this game become a success. \r\n\r\nExcluding stuff like a comicon or such please none of the following:Aliens, robots or any other non realistic stuff. Also this is ok for movies. \r\n\r\nWould love to see cops as well, or maybe someone even who isn't part of Merryweather but poses as such. \r\n\r\nThis game is in adult for a reason. So please play with discretion that it will include graphic scenes. ","Description":"How old are you?(by submitting this you are agreeing you are of legal age to play adult)\r\n\r\nAre you familiar with Grand Theft Auto video games?(if not don't worry, you can still play. Los Santos for thos not familiar is L.A.)\r\n\r\nType of character:(examples:Police, criminal, entertainer(adult, movie star, etc, other)\r\n\r\nCharacters Age:(none under 18) \r\n\r\nFInancial status(just an example of type of living(if you put let's say struggling you aren't driving a luxury type Super car unless stolen.)\r\n\r\nWriting example(2 paragraphs preferably in character)\r\n\r\nAdditional comments","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2019-10-15 12:48:23","CreatedDate":"2019-10-15 12:48:23","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"8533C195-C42B-46BB-B8CD-6F1BF6170276","GameName":"What Happens in Vegas","Background":"You know the old saying, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Well in the case of their stories it's time to take center stage.\r\n\r\nFolks come to Vegas from all over for a variety of reasons. Perhaps they hope to hit it big in the casinos or at the poker tournaments. Or perhaps they come as students of UNLV. Women come hoping to become Showgirls, though a lot only make it as far as center pole at a strip club. Whatever reason they have for coming they have their stories and nows the chance to tell them.\r\n\r\n-------\r\nThis is a Freeform Contemporary game.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-05-30 13:31:56","CreatedDate":"2017-05-30 13:31:56","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"C8A04690-4C6C-47CB-B199-85608D86CFF2","GameName":"Wild Times In Paradise Beach","Background":"It is time to catch some totally radical waves in this southern California town. Where the surf is up and the nights are wild. In Paradise Beach the party never seems to end and it is one totally wild time. The people are always welcoming though where there are those who are happy. There are also those who want to bring that down. \r\n\r\nParadise Beach is also home to Lover's Cove. Where folks go to write their names on the wall at sunset with the one they love. If it is meant to be the names will shine on for eternity. If not the waves will wash the names away. As is often said in Paradise the Cove is always right. As long as you believe in your heart and soul that is. And lately folks truly believe that a certain young redhead who runs the Tikis has a special bond to the Cove. She has guided so many in love and like the Cove she has yet failed in her predictions. \r\n\r\nThe annual big Surf event is fast approaching as well. Favorite is the Big Kahuna himself Zack Reed though many think his twin may indeed rule alone this year. And of course the mayor race may effect both as their father is on the campaign trail. Though many in town wish it was Joyce Reed instead who were running. Up against Derrick is none other than Jack Lorenzo. And those in town feel either way they are doomed. \r\n\r\nSo are you ready to hang ten. To catch some killer waves. Well cowabunga dudes and welcome to Paradise Beach. Home of Wild Times and even Wilder People. ","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"2020-03-06 16:58:43","LastUpdate":"2020-03-06 16:58:43","CreatedDate":"2020-03-06 16:58:43","Adult":1,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"AFE29E64-6D01-422E-8D80-5E95AFC69068","GameName":"Garou by Night","Background":"I was too lazy to write a background.","Description":"**How long have you been roleplaying?\n\n**If you had to rate them as a percentage, what would your hack-n-slash to roleplaying to puzzle solving ratio be? For example, my favorite kind of game is 10% hack-n-slash, 70% roleplaying and %20 puzzle solving.\n\n**How many times can you post per week?\n\n**What would you do if your character died?\n\n**What is your longest lasting game?\n\n**What is your gender?\n\n**How old are you?\n\n**What country do you live in?\n\n**Additional comments: ","SystemID":"A721D25C-ABA8-4C10-93AD-6E558C44DD75","SystemName":"Werewolf","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":1,"LatestPost":"1900-01-01","LastUpdate":"2017-11-29 05:10:54","CreatedDate":"2017-11-29 05:10:54","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0},{"GameID":"2C7EAADB-B6FF-4565-833E-FEBC65CD3DC9","GameName":"Call to Adventurers","Background":"


    ","Description":"NONE","SystemID":"7F232CEA-DFB7-4EC5-B7FA-0F9C73F86837","SystemName":"~ PlayByWeb ~","LurkersAllowed":0,"LookingForPlayers":0,"LatestPost":"2022-11-13 11:53:55","LastUpdate":"2022-11-13 11:55:08","CreatedDate":"2022-11-13 11:13:08","Adult":0,"IsOwner":0}],"Systems":[{"SystemID":"C397BED6-4D89-4CE9-996E-2E715684048E","SystemName":"AD&D","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"3886E186-6D21-4889-AB13-C7B7D4315514","SystemName":"Alternity","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"1BA95599-2B22-44B4-89E1-FADF3BC939D0","SystemName":"Anime","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"36F8610A-24F4-4CBE-B7D8-788951E19C93","SystemName":"Cthulhu","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"08E0FAF3-AF9F-4C06-8886-36020643EC2E","SystemName":"D&D 3ed","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"FF553D65-059C-4259-B75C-1A79D6E25745","SystemName":"D&D 5e","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"952C7401-02E3-4F8C-A5E4-E2AE748DA5FE","SystemName":"d20","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"ED18F0B8-4685-4645-ABB3-500CB064CDAE","SystemName":"Fantasy","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"B70E8403-CE48-4E58-A858-8B8A94E471EA","SystemName":"FUDGE","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"449C2DEF-444C-442C-8B99-F9DE2023765E","SystemName":"GURPS","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"FF553D65-059C-4259-B75C-1A79D6E25747","SystemName":"Legend of the Five Rings","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"9BEF85A6-0F65-456E-AFE5-FE007501262F","SystemName":"Mage","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"961446B8-EF73-4D84-8FC2-49C5E4E4327A","SystemName":"Modern","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"70A9B529-2005-4D62-B746-7F56E1474E72","SystemName":"Other","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"235571CE-9ADE-48BB-9716-81C9A65A3F01","SystemName":"Palladium","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"2CB331AF-20A6-4A5D-85F3-2350A566434A","SystemName":"Pathfinder","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"77A47F05-43C5-441B-9283-DA23702BE74E","SystemName":"SciFi","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"FF553D65-059C-4259-B75C-1A79D6E25744","SystemName":"Shadowrun","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"DB69573F-B3BD-4290-82D7-BBECE5281043","SystemName":"Super Heroes","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"76C08FF5-0457-48CC-AA61-3E074D5EB80B","SystemName":"Unmoderated","Adult":1},{"SystemID":"A721D25C-ABA8-4C10-93AD-6E558C44DD75","SystemName":"Werewolf","Adult":0},{"SystemID":"7F232CEA-DFB7-4EC5-B7FA-0F9C73F86837","SystemName":"~ PlayByWeb ~","Adult":0}]}